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Poizonous Flour

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About Poizonous Flour

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  1. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1-CSE] Litchi General Discussion

    There is a CH 6B[m] glitch with Litchi, probably not going to be of any real use. But you can keep bouncing them off the wall up to 3 times with 6B[m] after the CH one (if you are near the wall, or maybe this was known and no one found a way to combo with it yet :P )
  2. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1-CSE] Litchi General Discussion

    Good stuff there. There is just a lack of combos that end with the staff and/or with the staff next to ya, but everything is at least from 2.5 - 4.5K. Thanks a lot bcb for spreading us soo far away from the stick. CH has a lot more variation in the combos than normal, if anything that would be a great addition to the combo video library to have.
  3. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1-CSE] Litchi General Discussion

    Losing gatling Ittsuu = Costs 20 matches Losing old j.C = Costs 60 matches Losing jump frames = Priceless
  4. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1-CSE] Litchi General Discussion

    Nice LK, Congratulations!
  5. Poizonous Flour

    [CT] Does using Litchi earn you respek?

    A battle between CT and CS execution... for Litchi, seriously. The execution is difficult for newcomers who come trying to pick up Litchi for both games. No argument. Really, Litchi is just a hard character to pick up period. She has a tendency to drop combos if not timed precisely... and that sucks. In CT, this happened a lot. Especially when doing the Ippatsu combos. Also, her damage ratio and meter gain was horrifically low, making wall trapping a necessity for killing someone in CT. Corner trapping was basically the only way to win in CT. Getting them to the wall in CT takes about the same amount of skill in both games... just in CT you get lower damage. In CS, if you learn the Ippatsu A loop you basically have all you need to do plenty of damage to the opponent. I didn't find myself having to learn many different types of wall carry combos like I did in CT. Her damage ratio is a lot higher, she gets ridiculous meter, and her overhead actually does major combo damage. In short, in CS all the execution done for Litchi is rewarded with high damage. Litchi is a hard character, but she is better rewarded in CS than CT. In CT, a dropped combo usually means you'll have to work twice as hard. In CS, I feel that she has plenty of safe and easy options at her disposal no matter what position she is in the stage. So, I think the best way to phrase this is... Litchi is hard to pick up and play, period. You need to work harder to win in CT (low damage ratio, dropped moves), than in CS (high damage ratio, easier wall carry and lockdown).
  6. Poizonous Flour

    [CS2] Litchi Changelog

    It isn't about the damage... it is fully about the execution here. It isn't the fact that in CS we took away 40% of the life bar per combo, it isn't the fact that we had insane corner damage, it isn't the fact that each combo gained insane meter so Litchi can basically do all her options every combo. Damage is the least bit of concern, they can nerf that and Litchi would still probably be A tier. It is the fact that all the work that we put into learning these new combos and moves of CS was a complete waste. It is the fact that they are changing Litchi's entire game play in the sake of balance. It is also the fact that we'll have to change our game play to fit the new Litchi, and many of us thought she was fine (execution wise) before the changes... whether you started at CT or CS. Ittsuu: I can live with... many can. We can cancel it now which just gave the move soo much power and options. j.C [nerf]: I can't live with... it was one of her staples for staffless. There was nothing wrong with the move at all. Altering the move regardless the damage is a great concern... The rest is okay. It isn't about the damage, it is about altering how she plays really... messing with staples is not a path I'd like to see Litchi go down. It is the same thing they did to Rachel... and look at how she turned out. PzF...
  7. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1-CSE] Litchi General Discussion

    Actually, so am I... cheers!
  8. Poizonous Flour

    [CS2] Litchi Changelog

    In my view, it is way too early to be talking about the changes... especially since this is only phase 1 of the tests. We all know that Litchi's main game is just wall carry to lockdown. In CS, they also... accidently, gave her a very very strong mid-screen game. From CT to CS, Litchi got an overall buff from it. While a great number of characters got nerfs. In all honesty, CT Litchi is my favorite Litchi by far. In CT, she actually tows the line between a broken and a bottom-of-the-barrel character quite well. In CS, she is decent to strong in every respect of her game. Being overpowered is a recipe for a huge nerf in the next set. Her game will change in CS2, and there is going to be a lot of changes we don't like. They are making her more in-line with everyone else, and trying to take out the broken elements of the characters. Litchi was always the most broken during wall-lockdown, even though it was the only thing she had in CT. In CS, we already lost a bit of wall carry thanks to losing Manten return on our regular moves... j.C is the next step toward that movement. What you learned in CT and CS isn't a waste, the knowledge that you got from learning those combos is guaranteed to come in handy for the next version when we need to find out new ones. We just have to wait to see the changes, and adapt. PzF...
  9. Poizonous Flour

    [CS2] Litchi Changelog

    Well, at least Litchi is going to be down in the bottom tiers again. What a relief... no more tier whore messages and bad stares... j.C was an excellent move and a sad nerf, but the rest of the nerfs I can kinda tolerate. I know this is the first loketest, but I'm kinda happy she'll not be OP like she was in CS. I am probably hoping for too much if I wish for Manten Return to come back, so at least... we can do some kind of pick up off the ground combo for wall carry, but I doubt it. Damage is still looking high for combos, though... so maybe the changes aren't as bad as we thought. Let's just wait and see. I'll stick Litchi regardless if she becomes worse than CS Rachel. (Though I pray that'll never happen.)
  10. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1] Litchi on controler?

    I still play pad with Litchi, but the inputs feel more natural in stick. It is possible to play pad and be decent with her... especially in BBCS. My setup is, Square = B, Triangle = A, Circle = C, X = D... It is very possible to play Litchi with pad, as LK says, you just have to practice.
  11. Poizonous Flour

    [CS2] Litchi Changelog

    Mid tier, top tier, garbage tier... Reminds me of late night... maybe Litchi really is a stripper after all.
  12. Poizonous Flour

    [CT] Does using Litchi earn you respek?

    She went from "hot" to "slut" in one game...
  13. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1] Litchi Fresh Meat buns Thread (Guide and Combo Discussion)

    Hey LK, Is it possible that you can put the combo damage from some of these combos. In CT, it was one straight line, but with all these variations you can pull off, I think damage becomes an important factor here. I already know the range is from 3K - 5K, but I think some specifics could be nice. If you want, I don't mind getting the damages and posting them, it is a good way of indicating whether you are doing the combos correctly (especially for beginners not like myself).
  14. Poizonous Flour

    [CS1-CSE] Litchi General Discussion

    This whole thread is just going to be a gigantic Boob fest... what were you thinking LK?!??!!111 Her damage output is a lot higher this time around for no effort, and we have "useable" overheads. The execution of combos seems a bit easier for me as well than CT. The only thing we lost was Tsubami combos without CH. I think most of us will be spitting out top tier junk in a week.
  15. Poizonous Flour

    The Art of Mixup and Increasing Pressure

    Lemme try replying. I read the first post and kinda tl:dr the rest... so expect some repeats. I personally hate excessive blockers/turtlers. They existed in Tekken, and they exist in BlazBlue. Overheads in BB suck. Especially in CT Litchi's case in where you have to be on drugs in order not to see it coming. Since people can just jump-back out of most pressure situations anyway, the only time it ever comes apparent is when you get people to the wall. Anyway, I have a few strategies for dealing with excessive blocking. Nothing is wrong with being predictable, as long as you are safe. Litchi has some of the most predictable strings on the planet. 5B 5C(2 hit)... are you kidding. Truthfully, all people have to do is block low all day and Litchi is meat. At first, I thought the basic high/low/grab would work. Wrong! BB is all about relieving pressure from attacks... therefore, you are almost never close enough to perform a throw unless it is a tick throw. With the big throw window, it is just completely bogus to count on throws to stop blockers. (May work online, but offline... you are out of luck.) 1) Predictability fake: If you are like me, you are always looking for an opening when you are blocking. A screw-up... or something. In my case, I choose 1 safe canned string. Like 5B, 5C(2 hit). Look for the gatling cancel spots... and improvise. 5B j.B. ... 5B 6A(an overhead) ... 5B 2B(low) 6A(overhead)... 5B 5C(1hit) Itsuu (Pure Straight) This is your basic high-low. But, I butter them up with a basic string first for a few reps, then when they anticipate that I am weak... then I attack. Nothing is more annoying than a broken record. Attack them, butter them up, then switch. 2) Delay/Cancels: Well, if that doesn't work then I start playing around with delays. Usually, a blocker would keep blocking forever without end. If that is the case, I start trying to hit with meaties. Always look at your opponents blocking position when you approach them and after you've finished a move. Sometimes it can give you ideas on how to hit them next. (I use grab as a delay actually... if they break it, it resets the pressure game. If they don't, free damage.) Cancels - like Rapid Cancel or purposely stopping a move creates small opportunities as well, but they are hard to capitalize on against a blocker. 3) Invincible frames/jumping: If they start trying to punish your meaties or try to mash out of pressure, you replace them instead. Instead of an overhead, jump back instead or use invincibility (Inferno). Whiffed attacks from the opposition is all that you are looking for. Once they attack, it is a weakness. Use it against them at all costs. 4) Cross-up: This is my favorite thing to do vs. blockers. I would purposely stop a combo midway to dash and cross-up. It forces them to always be on their toes, or try to punish the dash. Blockers are passive, most of the time... there is nothing to worry about as long as you keep yourself and your moves honest. 5) Turtle-up: If all else fails, let them come in to you. BB is very very nice to blockers in this game. Too nice to blockers, it is almost BS. Anyway, they have to try and attack you sometime, and when they do... react to their moves. The most important thing to do, is to keep yourself safe at all times. Don't give them moves that they can punish for damage. You will always lose. Instead, keep it safe. Jump back, and make sure you are looking for openings in your opponents defense. Yomi is all about anticipation. Everyone has different levels of yomi and concentration. But, someone has to attack sometime. Game is no fun if both people are excessively blocking. CT Litchi is almost laughable without the wall. However, it only takes one hit to get them there... so why not. Same thing for all characters. Your goal is to score that hit. The safer you play your character, the harder it'll be for the blocker... period. They'll end up opening up when they don't want to... and lose. Play safe, IB = win. PzF...