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Everything posted by Yggjrasil

  1. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Yeah, I notice I get away with A LOT of stuff because people aren't used to fighting Platinum, and Yeah Heart Car is really good in this matchup, it stops Wolf Form approaches and it corner carries. It's like fighting a slower less annoying Tao.
  2. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    dude that matchup is all about who gets who in the corner first. Valk is a little bit better than Plat at doing that though.
  3. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    My Sennin Mode Jutsus are banned in 35 states and Valk is a personal bad matchup to me, reminds me of Millia. Fuck Millia.
  4. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs to AkihikoSanada and Shinsyn. Just remember, 10x Stronger offline. :3
  5. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs to Osuna, Severin, and DarkTalon. Sorry Osuna, that phone call from my mom totally drained my fighting spirit. I just hope things get better by tomorrow.
  6. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs Osuna. Now to go play my Studio Ghibli interactive movie.
  7. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs to everyone in Sharakonta's room. Shoutouts to making people hella salty on netplay and then having those people complain about it on SRK. Comedy, pure comedy.
  8. Sorry, just Game Chariot players in general bore the shit out of me. A-cho players know whats up, same with Tachikawa.
  9. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    This is exactly what I say when I fight against Arakune.
  10. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs to everyone, shoutouts to Ragna and Bang Time.
  11. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    you could always try to use Ragna or Hakumen. They both counter Plat in certain ways.
  12. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    ggs Jyosua and POSER002, slowly but surely you're getting used to the matchup. I know its outside of your realm of usual play but thats how its done. Hell, I cant even do half the usual shit I do in other matchups against Hakumen. I have to play hella conservative and lame him out.
  13. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    ggs to you too Omni. I had fun playing your Makoto.
  14. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Thats just scumbag Arakune being scumbag.
  15. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    But, Jyosua I might be a tier-whore though. In Chaos Code, I plan on maining Rui and Cerberus. They're both S-tier, and subbing Chtullya and Celia II Kai who are A+ tier. :3 but yeah, I had so much fun in that room...So much fun, I ignored the fact that I had homework to do and I'm gonna be in big trouble with my group members for not responding to their messages earlier.
  16. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Dont feel bad about losing, I'm a tier whore.
  17. Yggjrasil

    [AC+] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    Yeah, I saw one Baiken player do some pretty dope re-launch combos to Pot using 2D in the middle of it, and they did quite a bit of damage. I should go look for that vid.
  18. Yggjrasil

    [AC+] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs to ultimatefaust. If only I knew Pot-specific combos with May and Baiken.
  19. Yggjrasil

    [AC+] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    I was SenaXLuna, (for some reason,when I'm on Swagna5B, I can't get any matches at all.) and yeah, that sounds great. I really am trying to get back into this game, Blazblue has softened my edge.
  20. Yggjrasil

    [AC+] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs to you too man, Your Sol is hella baller. Holy crap I didn't know wtf to do against you.
  21. Yggjrasil

    [AC+] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    GGs to Evid3ntz, your Johnny is pretty dope. I had a lot of fun playing you! This game is so amazing, I'm glad people are getting into it.
  22. Yggjrasil

    [AC+] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    If you wanna play later today, I'd be totally down for that. I'mma keep searching for some more a-cho vids of Baiken v Pot. Hopefully some with Maruken or Raaku Baiken.
  23. Yggjrasil

    [CSE] PSN Match Finder/GG Thread

    I wasn't talking about you, Psy. I meant like where I actually had to work for a win.