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Everything posted by Sileh

  1. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    If you're asking me and not someone else; I have tried the combo on Noel only so far, but the combo does not receive a knockdown.
  2. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Just was working on combos and found one (it might be posted already) 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> J2D~B -> taunt -> 236C -> 5B -> 5C -> 3D~6 -> 236BBBB
  3. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Very nice Xdest. Few things I wanted to comment on if you don't mind? If you do mind, disregard this post entirely Alright: This is true in some situations, but sometimes taunt or 5c is needed to make the combo work, and is not interchangeable. I'm assuming you mean 236aa after the taunt? Also on a side note: One of the Japanese videos show Tao doing 4B+C -> 214D -> j.44 -> j.2d~b -> etc. For me, it's easier to time it that way since as you know, it is way too easy for your opponent to land behind you while you taunt with that combo. You can add this taunt combo for Carl: 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> 5D~B (Hit) -> Taunt -> 236AA -> 2D~6 -> j.C -> 9D~6 -> j.C -> 9D~6 -> j.236bb -> j.236bbbb My 2 cents
  4. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Remember on top of what the previous posters recommended: 1. The timing of your first j.c in the combo is the most important part of the combo. If you hit it too low, it makes the j.2d~b harder to pull off. 2. Are you sure you are doing the j.2d~b successfully? If you are, double check to see if your joystick is in its default position. It is really easy to not let the joystick return to 5, Tao will move a tiny bit, hit the 5c or taunt and wonder why it didn't come out. As soon as you see Tao dive for the j.2d~b, let go of the joystick. Train your fingers to be quick and nimble, so that each input is clearly separated from the prior. When you see the input display at the bottom of the training screen, it should be perfect or close to it. 3. Practice. You will get it
  5. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Video Thread 2.0

    Do you main Nu now? Wtf
  6. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Hey Ronove, you think you can create a new thread/merge a thread about block strings as well? I've come up with a few, but I don't see any place which I could compile some. To some people it's sort of a no brainer, but it would be nice to get what works and what is questionable on paper. Taoftw already has her mixups on first page of the BnB's but this is a little different.
  7. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Timing for D~A, D~B, D~C, j.2D~B is all one in the same. You should cancel right as you are hitting the opponent.
  8. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Video Thread 2.0

    Ah that's what it is it's a 2d~c, 2d~a on those combos. I was hitting 5d~c 5d~a and wondering why it wasn't working
  9. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    I'm not finding a video of that one, but I can recommend learning this chain because it has almost identical timing and will see more use: 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> j.2d~b -> taunt -> 214d -> j.2d~b -> taunt I have troubles with the back throw taunt combo as well, but I am getting better with it. In fact the timing with that particular j.2d~b is only rivaled by: 3. 6c -> 214d -> j.2d~b -> Taunt -> 214d -> j.2d~b -> 5c -> 2d~5 -> 5d~c -> 5d~a -> 9d~9 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.236bb -> j.236bbbb [5068] This is the thread I was talking about btw.
  10. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    First of all I would like to say that certain combo chains will not give you a knockdown, but the one you mentioned (236cc 2d jc 9d jc 9d 236b) is not accepted as an end to combos because it does not give you a knockdown and does fairly weak damage compared to other endings. 236cc -> 2d~6 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.c -> 9d~9-> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.236bb -> j.236bbb will give you a knockdown. If it does not, you are doing it wrong. The theory behind maximizing damage in a drive loop is pretty obvious. You are a Titanium member so I will be blunt with you. Do the most damage to your opponent as possible while avoiding the negative effects of proration. Taunts in a combo, slow the proration process, and do more so the earlier they occur in the combo. Throws on the other hand, are awful for proration scaling; which is why combos started with throws are not the highest damaging ones for Taokaka. Taokaka gets 4 vertical drives, after that she can only drive horizontally. You need to spend her vertical drives wisely in combos, which bring us to the next point. Now as far as drive loops go, your aim is to get the opponent horizontal with Taokaka, and continue to do 5d~6 drives as much as possible, usually coupled with j.c's. Take this same combo we used earlier for example: 236cc -> 2d~6 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.c -> 9d~9-> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.236bb -> j.236bbb. How can we turn this combo into a drive loop? Let's make our opponent horizontal to us. How? 2 widely accepted options here: First, stop the initial D cancel. Do 236cc -> 2d -> 5d~6 -> j.c -> 5d~6 -> j.c -> 5d~6 -> j.a -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> 9d~9 -> j.236bb -> j.236bbbb. See what happened there? By not canceling, it allows Tao to keep her opponent at her level in the air. Number two, in a corner, hitting a 5d~C followed by a 5d~A is another way to keep your opponent horizontal to you without using up a vertical drive. Note that with this option, the opponent must already be airborne. You are correct when thinking this, I also have never found use for the 236cc after a taunt. However, Taoftw is only human and I believe he meant 236aa. I have been wrong before, so fellow Tao's correct me if I have led this Kaka astray Do you wish to have more damage on your combos? If you answered yes, I believe any combo that does more damage than the others would be considered staple. As for the timing, it is best described through watching it being done in the Japanese Tutorial Video. You can find this in the Visual Combo Tutorials section here at DL. If you have figured out how to do j.2d~b, you have already gotten 3/4 of the timing on the technique down. Like I explained above, those are the widely accepted combo endings that provide not only the most damage, but also guarantee a knockdown. If you want to get fancy with cancels, they mostly happen earlier in the combo string. Taokaka's combo endings will all look similar because of their superior function and damage. Also note that finding "the most damaging" combos has probably already been done by Japanese players since they do nothing but spend days on ending finding them. Just_here has two videos worth of combos translated in the Visual Combo thread. I would also suggest trying out your own variations and posting them for us to see. I am feeling very lazy after posting that giant novel, so please indulge me with the combo you are trying to do?
  11. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Hello again Tao's; After much frustration trying to pull Cat Spirit 2 combos off on the cast and not being 100% sure what works with who; I compiled this small list of Cat Spirit 2 compatibility, with a few small tweaks for damage. Tao's Cat Spirit 2 Combos: Character Specific We'll start off with Arakune and Tager. Remember watching that Japanese video where the Tao takes the opponent off the screen? Well this similar combo is completely doable in a normal match and it happens to hurt the opponent like hell at the same time: 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> j.2d~b -> 5C -> 2D -> (5d~6 -> j.c) x2 -> 5d~6 -> j.a -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> 9d~9 -> (option one: air-throw -> 236cc) (option two: 236bb -> 236bbbb) Next is BANG BANG BANG! Mister big shot also has a character specific combo that makes him different from the rest of the cast: 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> j.2d~b -> 5C -> 2D -> (5d~6 -> j.c) x2 -> 5d~6 -> j.a -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.b -> 9d~9 -> (option one: air-throw -> 236cc) (option two: 236bb -> 236bbbb) The Imperial sociopath Jin has his own specific combo for you to practice: 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> j.2d~b -> 5C -> 2D -> 5d~6 -> j.c -> 5d~6 -> j.a -> j.c -> 236bb -> 236bbb This combo is for V-13, Ragna, Lichi, and Hakumen: 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> j.2d~b -> 5C -> 2D -> (5d~6 -> j.c) x2 -> 5d~6 -> j.a -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> (option one j.236bb -> j.236bbbb) (option two: if you are feeling risky do an air throw -> 236cc. The reason I do not recommend this is because the throw tech is visible when done on these characters, whereas with Bang, Tager, and Arakune it is much harder to see.) Noel, Rachel and Tao herself have the least damaging applicable combos albeit Carl: 5B -> 6A (1hit) -> JC -> j.2d~b -> 5C -> 2d~6 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.236bb -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.236bbbb Carl: Sorry folks, I was unable to pull anything in the Cat Spirit 2 repertoire up for Carl besides corner moves. Unfortunately, Carl has few combos worth a damn that you can pull off on him, so I would recommend studying the ones that do work in depth.
  12. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Video Thread 2.0

    ♪♫ Wheeeeee thank nyu Ronove ♪♫
  13. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Carl just sucks to do any combo on. You can throw the traditional taunt combos out the window on Carl (Arakune too.) It's the same deal. The 214 D is rapid fire after the taunt, and the B cancel is no different from the first one in the combo.
  14. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Glad to help Really, practice is the most important one. If you managed to pull it off a couple of times, at least you know what it looks and feels like when it's correct. It's all downhill from there because you'll eventually get the timing, start to be fluid, be more consistent, etc. I feel like I'm relearning Tao everyday; still working on getting my j.d~a cancels to be reliable
  15. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Fellow Tao: I will take the time to list out the minute details involved in j.2d~b because I see the question so much. J.2D~B For some, it is an impossible barrier separating certain Tao's from doing Taunt combos and Cat Spirit Two combos. For others, it is as natural as a single button stroke. I for one, have felt the pain of trying to do the fabled J.2D~B combos for days on end but failing. I for one have suffered weeks on end of inconsistency with J.2D~B being the culprit. And now, I for one, have no problem pulling it off. Here are some of the things I noticed in the weeks struggle to get this bastard off: 1) If it does not matter whether you hit B to cancel or not: You are hitting the 2D too late. 2) If you missing the opponent with the drive: You are hitting the B cancel too early. 3) Clean input makes this move, and the rest of Tao's arsenal easier to do. For J2D~B combo starters on a stick: 5b (Hit B) -> 6a (Hit 6A) -> JC (Hit 8 to cancel the second hit and let the joystick return to 5. I'll put ~5 from now on.) j.2d~b (From 5, Hit 2~5, Hit D in the 5 frames your 2 has been buffered, and hit B to cancel the drive.) Taunt/5C (Always hit C or Taunt after the j.2d~b to see if you nailed it. 4) The rhythm on the B cancel is something you need to find for yourself. You will not forget it and will be using it constantly. After you think you've gotten the j.2d~b down, try doing exercises like this: 4B+C -> 214D -> j.2d~B or my favorite: 5b -> 6a -> JC -> j.2d~b -> taunt -> 214d -> j.2d~b -> taunt Soon, doing a j.2d~b will be thought of as a simple input. Now to start worrying about that next j.2d~b taunt in the combo.... 5. Practice! Don't get discouraged because even the pros mess it up in matches; it is really easy to screw up! ~Fin~ Oh yeah also with smaller characters like Noel, if you do not time 6A after a 5b when they are crouching, the 6a will whiff. There is a slight delay between the 5b and 6a which is not there for certain characters. Dashing, if possible can alleviate this gap, but opponents might pick up on the movement and will punish you if they can anticipate it.
  16. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    I do the taunt combos, and b cancels on everyone. Was simply trying to pass along the knowledge that these combos might not work on certain people, so new Tao's don't waste a day trying to learn a combo not applicable to Carl, Rachel or Noel while trying to do it on Carl, Rachel or Noel.
  17. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    I've been trying to do the following all day with no success. I honestly do not believe any of these work on Noel. The j.c after the j.a will whiff every time, no exceptions. Same deal with Rachel, same deal with Carl. And yes I know there are 2 drive loops instead of 3.
  18. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Edit: Btw Noel needs to eat more steamed buns
  19. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka FAQs

    Kind of a weird question; I've seen pictures of Blazblue arcade boxes. They only have four buttons however. Does this mean taunt combos are a no go if you decide to play Blazblue at an arcade?
  20. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Tried to Pm you corrections but you logged lol alright this will work instead: 3c -> 5d~6 -> j.c -> 5d~6 -> j.a -> j.a -> 9d~9 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> 236bb -> 236bbb @Ronove: not sure any I know are really practical on Rachel on Live. 236cc or 6c are both painfully slow and are the only good damage combos I know on her that do not involve j.2d~b. Also, is it just me or does Rachel have slightly less gravity when she falls from a high distance? Some OK combos against Rachel for Xbox Live: 5b -> 6a -> 2d~6 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> 236bb -> 236bbb 5b -> 6a -> 236aa -> 2d~6 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> j.c -> 9d~9 -> 236bb -> 236bbb
  21. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    To Mr. Rin : It's the same thing with timing your j.c after a d~6 drive; if you do it too soon, the input is not recognized because it is so close to the previous input. Too late, and you drop the opponent. But time it right, and you get results. J.2D~B could look perfect on the input, but since the timing is so touchy, it doesn't mean that the correct input is correctly timed. 41236bb; seeing a pattern here? The 41 added on to the 236 is a way for players to get that timing on the 236 down. For these guys, it's easier to time the 236bb by making a half circle rather than doing a direct input for the move. My guess is these guys come from games that require ultra fast input speed to complete moves, so by doin the 41 before 236, it slows their crazy fast combo addled brain down to Blazblue level. In my humble opinion, of course
  22. Sileh

    [CT-CSE] Taokaka Netplay General

    It's Sileh on XBL Anchorage Alaska GMT -9 Honestly though, I'm regretting my Xboxlive purchase. Played 3 people today, lost all of them because my connection was so shitty. The connection status bars were all the way down...lost to a cloud spam arakune, drive spam noel, and a one combo tager. Can't do my taunt combos with all this lag.... god damnit. The screen is literally choppy.
  23. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    Dunno haven't been able to do it yet. Edit: It's on the Combo Bnb thread with this note to it? (not sure ) (4k combo; air combo portion depends on character; do j.d~a -> j.8d -> j.8D~6 -> j.236bb -> j.236bbbb for stability)
  24. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    5b -> 6a x1 -> JC -> j.2d~b -> Taunt -> 214d -> j.2d~b -> Taunt -> 236a > 2d~8 -> j.d~a -> 8d~6 -> 8d~6 -> j.c -> j.236b -> j.236bbbb This combo is nuts. Just practicing the first part up to the second taunt is a good way to hone your skills with j.2d~b and taunting in combos.
  25. Sileh

    [CT] Taokaka Combo & BnB Thread

    The characters I would play against in training mode would be: Carl: (because of character specific combos) Noel: (Slight bit smaller than Jin so combos that work on her work on Jin/Rachel too, but timing with Noel is tighter. All combos that work on Noel should work with her and any hitbox larger (except some with tager) Any normal character: Bang would be a good choice since people seem to have problems with him. Same combos as with Noel/Jin/Rachel but you can add another drive loop. Tager: Some corner combos go through him. He is so frickin' easy to hit. Turn air tech on, ground tech on, block after first hit.... Go!