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About cryingjester

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    New Blood
  1. cryingjester

    [CT] Carl Clover Combos: Clap Trap Inside

    Hey, I was just wondering if someone can maybe confirm this combo. 2b, 3c (22d), 2a, 5b jc Air Throw [D], 6]D[ Air Throw into clap trap. I'm having trouble doing the 2b 3c 22d iad 2c alle~can combos, and I was toying around trying to figure out something simpler, not as damaging, but may be more reliable for a newb carl player like myself. If someone can confirm that the above combo works, it might be sort of a bridge combo for people who wanna learn carl but don't have the execution quite yet. The combo numbers stay bright red, which I think means that the combo is legit, but I have no idea wtf is going on in this game (only 6 or so hours played, only 2 in training mode).