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Everything posted by Blade

  1. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Well considering he had to take off his shoe and count on his toes when he ran out of fingers to figure out how much each bounty target he and Sol took down was worth...I wouldn't rule the possibility out.
  2. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Read my earlier posts on why I believe that's unconfirmed/unrelated. @anyone who wants to know: Read your instruction manuals, guys, there's a lot of background info there that you probably missed when you jumped into the game, that and Japanese Wikipedia has a huge article on everyone that is worth the time to run through a translator.
  3. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    It should be noted that there are other "worlds" besides the Guilty Gear "earth". In particular the Underworld which is mentioned in Guilty Gear Judgment, and in particular a place known as the "Backyard" which is supposedly the realm where the discovery of Magic as an energy source originated. It is here THAT MAN placed the Cube, which contains Justice's DNA sequence, a template of sorts for gear construction as weaponry, however, only Justice's own DNA or copies can actually unlock the contents of the Cube...this is why Ky is so desperate to protect both his lover and his son, because she is considered to be a copy of Justice. Valentine manages to manipulate Sin and unlock the cube via his DNA despite the fact he is only half gear (note I say "half" not "quarter-gear" as there is no statement regarding his mother's status as half-gear or full gear). Izuna hails from the Backyard as a Backyard resident, which means he is neither human nor Gear nor a hybrid of any sort. Yokai are spiritual entities (similar to angels and demons in our culture) though it's not known if they are malevolent or benevolent, and in some ways it appears Yokai have a somewhat interesting connection with the Japanese as their cultures are similar and the stories behind most Yokai originate from Japanese, Mongolian, and Chinese mythos. As for Dr. Paradigm, he lives on the island of Ganymede which is considered unknown to the rest of the world but is a haven for lost/autonomous Gears that regained their will after the death of Justice. He is somewhat of an elder there, if only to assist them in living on their basic instincts instead of following their programming given them by humans. Although he classifies himself as a Dragon, it might be more accurate to say he is an artificially-created dragon as he was not naturally born as such but created. To describe this better, Gears are neither human, nor animal, nor magical entity in their totality but a mix of them in some respect. Keep in mind, that Gear development stems from the origin of magic, and therefore to some extent stems from the Backyard (domain of many Yokai). Some appear more human than others, while some do not appear human at all, and some can disguise their inhuman appearance through their abilities (such as Sol's limiter). Dr. Paradigm doesn't share any sort of consideration for humans (not unlike Testament), but he is cognizant of Ky's attempt to reach an understanding with them, which is something he never considered previously, let alone considered the possibility of a human having an intimate relationship with a gear.
  4. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Most of what I know about Johnny comes from his GGX backstory and a little bit of May's original storyline. Johnny's father had noble ideals and despite this was killed by a Gear. Johnny decided not to live for revenge and instead follow in his father's footsteps and take care of the less fortunate, in this case happens to be the girls of the Jellyfish Pirates. The main crew are these (though there are far more in his care): Janis, Febby, March, April, May, June, July, Augus, Sephy, Octy, Novel, Dizzy, and Leap. In the original Guilty Gear, Johnny was caught and put in prison for his Robin-hood-like antics of stealing and giving to the poor, though he managed to bust out before May could rescue him (which says something of his resourcefulness). He and May would be the first to find the Blacktech and he eventually cuts it in half, making the IPF and Zepp chase after one half while he and May pursue the clues given off by the other half...though not much is said referring to the information stated on the Data Disc they found as it was too damaged for proper use. Johnny's nature is such that he was able to make friends with the likes of Dizzy and Testament (though that relationship is is mostly acquaintance than anything). Testament periodically tests Johnny's ability to protect Dizzy and his friends, though Johnny himself manages fine on his own. In AC+ Johnny is the only one who successfully calms Dizzy down after her reaction to PWAB's Justice-bot, but he has a bad habit of being distracted by women (in this case he tried to recruit Baiken to the Jellyfish), it's unconfirmed but he might have lost track of May's whereabouts since she discovered her Japanese heritage and may have set off on a journey of discovery alongside Anji...though in truth he sets up a search party for her. Alternately, when May catches up with Johnny, she wonders at why he hid the fact she was Japanese to her. In truth he was only trying to protect her, but at the same time he is aware of May's unnatural physical strength (which may have something to do with the Orphanage that was nearly destroyed by the Soshiki at least 10 years prior by Zato-1/Millia in the Night of Knives Arc). Johnny states that it doesn't matter WHAT May is, so much as it matters WHO she is. It's because of this he tests her determination to live by the Jellyfish pirate code. She passes and stays with him.
  5. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Tidbit of info for Johnny Sfondi fans (since I'm bored): Johnny's particular "Iaido" sword style (Iaido = Path of Harmony) is referred to as "Uncho Shihan Jikiden", which is translated as "Cloud Fencing Style" in reference to his Mist Finer and Divine Blade attacks. May likes to copy off his moves when she can of course, but he doesn't give lessons (since his "shows are private"). Johnny seems to know Crow in AC+ story mode, though I'm not 100% sure (translation-wise) but I believe Crow was Johnny's Master's former student and got kicked out for some reason. Little easter egg about Johnny's Iado style is found in his move "Ensenga", "Swallow's Piercing Tooth". Ensenga's Kanji can be pronounced alternately as "Tsubame Gaeshi" "Swallow's Flashing Return" which is a move that a certain Tachibana Ukyo from Samurai Spirits uses...hehe.
  6. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Not much is really known about Volf except that he wasn't acting alone. First of all, Tsuyoshi was an undercover IPF (read: International Police Force) agent working under the Assassin's Guild (read: Soshiki) as a mole/spy of sorts till he got found out. It's assumed Venom gave the order or someone further up the chain of command for Tsuyoshi to be removed. But removing Tsuyoshi wasn't the easy part, cleaning up the aftermath would be. In other words, they had trouble tracking Tsuyoshi down, as he was elusive to begin with, it was during this time he found Chipp and weaned him off narcotics, and took him in as a student. From what I know, they were training up in the mountains when Volf and a group of his men found Tsuyoshi, Chipp had been sent on an errand for his master when the whole mess went down. I believe nobody was able to successfully "kill" Tsuyoshi without dying themselves, meaning Volf himself was the only surviving witness of the ordeal. It was because of Volf's failure to kill Tsuyoshi that Venom killed him. Chipp finds a barely-living Tsuyoshi covered in you-know-what and dying, probably from over exhertion. Tsuyoshi doesn't want Chipp to have anything more to do with the Mafia as his dying wish. And that's about all I know (gleaned from BaHG Novel).
  7. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Gear Plant is something that "could've" happened, but didn't. There's a gap of time through which Sol has become the leader of the Sekishidan in Ky's absence after his death...this timeline is destroyed altogether by I-no's intervention. In this time line, not only does Ky die, May tries to kill Dizzy but dies in the process...Sol goes Dragon Install and proceeds to kill Dizzy and Testament and Potemkin die together (the ship they fight on blows up). But in the end this never happens. As for emo-Dizzy...Sol mentions he wants nothing to do with a whiny girl pining for her mommy...though that's Sol for you. He goes D.I. and VVs and that's all we see of that scene... Justice is never explicitly said to be "maternal" in nature, nor is she classified as a mother in traditional sense. I said this before but "gear backups" consider themselves a family of a different sort. The rogue gears that live with Dr. Paradigm on his island are considered familial. Though Eddie would debate that and say Weapons don't form families, they form arsenals... And it's indicated that Dizzy was raised by humans for a while before being placed in the "Devil's Forest" if that tells you a bit more about her nature. She also doesn't seem fully aware of her power (or at least she's in the learning stages). We don't know much about the "alternate timeline" Dizzy or where her origins lie, it's mere speculation to think further back than the Crusades themselves. In fact the events that occur when Dizzy is active take place AFTER Ky's death...so it's possibly she is the way she is because Ky wasn't there. We don't know about any "confirmed" deaths at all, except for Justice and Kliff. As for Dizzy, the fact she's a Jellyfish Pirate should say something about who it is she wishes to be friends with and support. And that's it for now, I may not be around tomorrow to answer more questions, just so you guys know.
  8. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    ⌐__⌐;;;;; Fangirls tune into their own wavelength, that's all I will say.
  9. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Nothing real substantial from what I gathered, Faust is supposedly digging into PWAB's database to find out more about what exactly happened regarding his botched surgery. He comes across Ky during his investigation, then Crow soon after, Crow blows up the hideout he was at and escapes, leaving Faust to pursue him, for the most part Faust seems to think Crow knows a lot of the things that are going on regarding PWABs activities. After trying to talk some sense into Millia and May from doing foolish things, he finally comes across Crow again who shortly thereafter resorts to mind control (the subject being Jam), since apparently his data collection was coming up short on how to deal with Faust (since both Robo-Ky and Justice-droid couldn't stop him). After the scuffle with Jam, Faust tries to interrogate Crow on what he knows of PWABs "current" activities, but about all he gets out of him is a "I hope you're happy with the life we gave you" speech, which is just short of a confession that PWAB was behind Faust's current situation. He escapes much to Faust's dismay and so Faust decides to clean things up after the Justice fiasco (though he has to convince Potemkin to not sacrifice himself as a result). In the end he's tested by Slayer (Gold Slayer by the way) to see if he's above the humans that Slayer seems to care little for. Slayer offers an invitation to (I believe) a seat among the elder night-walkers, though Faust promptly declines saying that his power is meant to save lives, not to be lorded over others, to which Slayer says it's a pity. Faust then muses over the current state of the world and what PWAB's movements. I'm assuming he's not concerned about revenge, more along the lines of trying to prevent more victims at their hands. Though in any case you could say that not much light was shed on Faust himself. Honestly, this is gonna sound weird coming from me but, if you think about it, Faust's story is a dead ringer for Harrison Ford's movie "The Fugitive". Though you could also say it's a lot like the manga "Monster". Heh.
  10. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    If you want to be technical about it, Millia is under the protection (officially) of the International Police Force, and is more-or-less trying to return to being a normal civilian, though it seems that the Assassin's Guild want her head for betraying their former leader. For what it's worth Ky is about the only "useful" officer of the IPF that I've seen, so Millia is essentially just trying to stay away from problems garnered from the Guild, though she runs into Slayer from time to time who acts more as an observer on how Angra is doing than anything. She's still forced to be on the run though, despite IPFs "protection". She's not as secretive per se as she once was since her "fan" wants her to settle down with him. Other than that though, Millia is not exactly classified as an assassin in broad terms anymore since she doesn't try to kill anyone (except Eddie of course...).
  11. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Okay gotta bust some heads...who was it 'round here who started the "Mother of the Grove" rumor??? The official term Ky uses in GG2 Overture is "Kokage no Kimi" which translates to "Lady of the Shaded Tree", mentions nothing about Grove or Dizzy... I'm not thinking about this till we know without a doubt it was Dizzy, it could be Solaria for all we know. What we do know is this: 1. A woman known as Aria was involved with Frederick and THAT MAN...possibly an intimate relationship. 2. This woman known as Aria has something to do with Valentine...Valentine also appears to be a clone of Aria. 3. We know that Justice is Dizzy's mother....this is confirmed in GGXXAC when she confuses the Justice clone for her mother (though it could be further insinuated that Dizzy's mother WAS a Justice clone, it's safer to assume otherwise because she refers to Justice as her mother in the Side Red Drama CD). 4. We know that something in Sin's DNA unlocks the Cube which contains Justice's DNA. 5. We know that by obtaining the information in the Cube (found in the Backyard, a place that is supposedly a major origin of magic) Valentine was able to obtain Justice's DNA information and thus become Diva. 6. We know the woman who fell in love with Ky is related to Justice via genetic information as she is classified as a "backup of Justice" not unlike the clones Crow made in GGXXAC+. Things that are so far RUMOR: Valentine being Aria: This can't be true because Valentine herself says she supports Aria's actions, in other words Aria is still active somewhere. Valentine being Justice: This possibility is only true insomuch that Valentine took Justice's DNA into her and became Diva (we will heretofor refer to Justice-Valentine as Diva for clarification purposes). Aria being Justice: The possibility is there, but neither THAT MAN (aka Gear Maker aka "Ano Otoko") or Sol Badguy (aka Frederick) confirm or deny that she is so...it is hinted by Valentine that Aria is still active, so this throws a wrench in that theory because how could Justice have been active at one point and then disabled by Sol and Aria still be active if she actually were Justice? In other words unless Aria IS a Justice clone (which is unconfirmed), then she cannot be the original Justice. Sin's Mother being Dizzy: Not much to say on this except what we're given...rumors mentioned by Dr. Paradigm. The "Bounty on a supposed Gear" Story, he neither goes into details nor goes out of his way to explain who this woman is, except that Ky and Sin share intimate feelings for her. In the chaos that was GGX, I can only say that too much stuff happened for us to know for sure and not everything happened in the game itself that much is certain (if you listened to the GGX Drama CD you would know this). Not to mention that Blackard Company wasn't the only company to attempt manufacture of Gears as weapons at the time...it was only because Sol trashed the place and Ky solved the mystery behind Solaria (a converted Gear, not unlike Testament) that it became known...and now that we know that it's possible to make clones of Justice as Crow demonstrated, we may not know for certain if Dizzy was the only Gear Ky made contact with during those events. We also do not know who it was Jam contacted to obtain the bounty or what proof was required as such, and all those things WOULD be documented by someone, though PWAB says they are false rumors. Regarding Dizzy's further exploits with Ky I can only say that we won't know unless there's something to fill the gap, she makes no intimate moves towards Ky in AC+ Story Mode, and there is also no mention on Ky's part to fulfill such a role...only that he is concerned about his duty as a former soldier-turned-IPF officer. We don't even know what events took place to put him in the position of King of Illuria, though it most likely can be insinuated that his role as Captain of the Sekishidan lead to his election there. Despite people's desire for the pairing, not that I really care, we won't know for certain unless there's something to fill in the gaps.
  12. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    To some extent I can understand spoken Japanese, so I get the "jist" of most conversations though I have trouble with Slayer's more eloquent speech sometimes. I can't read Japanese with out a Kanji +Kana/Romaji converter yet though...
  13. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Posting this conversation between me and YaR because it's a summary of what happens for the most part:
  14. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Well, out of sheer curiousity I decided to read over the Wiki article on I-no... Well, turns out her Guitar's name is "Marlene", so, you never know what kind of little facts are missing.
  15. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    How is it worse than Sol's....? It's Military-issue BDU, everybody in the order wore those...or are you just being an anti-Ky turd right now? @Dizzy Kiske: Not even gonna respond to that...because I know you're crazier than me. I'm too tired to talk about the crusades...maybe I'll post something about it later (compiled info on what happened to Testament/Justice just before the first tourney.
  16. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    I'm Ky's fan...always have been always will be, Damatte iru yo, Hatred Edge. Ky always gets the butt of shit just because he's thinner than other characters or people assume he's "one of those bishounen" types...bullshit I say...don't make me Zwei Voltage you. And I'll have you know Teacups can be worth thousands of dollars if you find the right ones...guess you never watched Antiques Road Show before...
  17. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    I'm posting this here because it contains a lot of Character-specific info and little pieces of unconfirmed facts (I don't know all the sources). But if anyone's willing to translate each individual character's pages/profiles/info, we could shed more light on the backstories of each GG Character. http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUILTY_GEAR_%28%E3%82%B7%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA%29 Also, this page seems to contain some interesting info, but I haven't been able to discern it. http://id20.fm-p.jp/29/ilyalen/index.php?module=viewdc&action=plist&hpid=ilyalen&stid=8&idx=26 I recall somewhere finding info regarding the name of Chipp's blade. If anyone can find this info, I'd greatly appreciate it.
  18. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Okay guys: http://dustloop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=259253&postcount=1189 That's my post on GGXXAC+ Story Mode summaries. @Sunnyday: No, it's okay, I'm just showing off my GG Nerdiness.
  19. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Sigh...okay, this topic is getting off track here. Regarding what Hecatom said, I suggest you do a little more research on where the word "Legion" originates from. The Bible was translated into Greek/Aramaic originally, so I'm not going to push the topic further, only to say that Legion means "many", it doesn't refer to an individual person. Regarding how the world of GG is treated/politics/social understandings: Well first and foremost there are a lot of missing countries/nations that have been trying to recover since the Crusades against the Gear Revolt. In particular is A-Country an amalgamation of countries from the west (most likely what remains of America), but also Zepp who is trying to salvage what remains of Black Tech in order to uncover the secrets of the past that seem to have crumbled away since the discovery of Magic as a limitless energy resource. Then of course there's the IPF, internationally recognized between nations, yet still undermined by the PWAB and several companies surrounding it. Of course you have the Assassin's Syndicate, who works with various remnants of PWAB and the Mafia. And lastly there are the little known areas of the world where rogue gears exist as well as the Makai (that is to say those like Izuna and beings from the Underworld). Understanding the workings of these organizations and how they clash is a little beyond me at this point, but what I am aware of is that there are several organizations trying to replicate Gear Technology via research of Black Tech, as well as gaining access to what is known as the "Backyard" which is supposedly where Magic research originated from (relating to the Underworld/Izuna again). Zepp is the most prominent at this point in the story mainly because of their activity: Potemkin, as you know, was a soldier-slave with an anti-desertion bomb strapped to his neck, his mission being to infiltrate the Sacred Order of Holy Knights' recruitment tournament and discover who was behind its initialization (namely Testament in his attempt to revive Justice). Shortly thereafter, Potemkin and Gabriel his superior take part in a massive revolt against the current Zepp regime and overthrow the government there. This results in placing Gabriel in the position of presidency of Zepp, with Potemkin as one of its head commanding officers/head of security. It is then established that Gabriel is trying to revise Zepp from the inside out, gathering intelligence from Black Tech, while trying to avoid use/abuse of Gear Technology. He has a standing relationship with the Assassin's Syndicate (Slayer), and is working towards a relationship with A-Country. Keep in mind that Zepp and A-Country utilized Gears solely as weapons for military deployment during former wars, and it wasn't until the "crusades" when Justice went and actively revolted that Gears were even considered a threat outside their own ordered commands. Fast forward a bit to GGXX and Gears are seen as WOMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), and regardless of their sentience or not, are considered top priority to be destroyed/dismantled. Even rogue independent gears like Dr. Paradigm are considered WOMD, so human bias against gears is at an all time high. With this in mind, consider Ky Kiske's position, he's been the former captain of the Sacred Order, a leading officer in the IPF, and now nominated to be King of Illuria, an up and coming kingdom that apparently has a lot of "Gear Technology Stockpiles". Considering his political stance towards Gears as well as treating Illuria as a haven towards Gears, it's likely he may make a few enemies in the near future, since not every government in humanity will agree with his policies, since many still don't think of Gears as "living beings" and more as "weapons".
  20. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    *double checks* Hmmm....what translation of the Bible did you hear that one from?
  21. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Considering half of what Zappa babbles about in the translations. YES. >_< @Dizzy Kiske: I wrote a summary of them a while back, though I have no plans to write translations for them, since I'm busy with other stuff.
  22. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Regarding Millia: Her's is the 7th Forbidden Magic, while Zato-1's Kinjuu (Forbidden Shadow Beast) is the 6th. PWAB admitted to giving Eddie to Zato, so I think it's safe to assume PWAB also gave Angra to Millia. Angra Mainyu refers to Zoroastrianism and their "destructive/inhibitive" dark god. Angra also relates to Evil Thinking...perhaps Eddie's "Black in Mind" isn't too far off. But you may be right about what it is Millia sacrificed. Two things I would interject as well, with regards to forbidden magics, they all seem to be related to anti-gear kinjuu while being derived from gear technology. Also that numbers seem to have a more dramatic effect on the person casting the magic. That is to say, if Zato lost his sight on the 6th Forbidden magic, what does someone lose on the 5th? Probably something far worse. It should also be noted that Slayer makes a point of mocking Venom for not being a "vessel" for kinjuu. Venom responds to this with little concern, but it may say something about Slayer's respect for other assassins who achieved similar ranks via forbidden magics. Regarding Testament: His hatred towards humans suggests he was forcibly converted, similar to Sol's experience, but also he seems to retain much of his memory of his adopted father Kliff. Simultaneously, he was the one who released Justice from her dimensional prison, and yet she claims she did not have complete control over him. It's also possible that PWAB is not capable of creating Gears the same way (or as successfully as) THAT MAN was able to, since much of the information/methods HE used are missing/lost/considered Black Tech by now. Regarding Zappa: Not much can be said except that his profile describes him as being possessed by "Legion". Now, if you know Biblical Folklore, it is said in the Bible that a man was possessed by over a hundred spirits and that Jesus Christ was able to cast them into a group of nearby pigs, which promptly ran off a cliff into the sea. Whether this is true or not or whether it's related or not is uncertain, that's just what I know. In the movie The Exorcist, the girl was possessed by several variations of the same demon...basically a demon posing as many demons...so in either case, it can be confusing. As for whether or not S-ko IS Sadako Yamamura...well...you tell ME. Regarding Justice: Probably...hence why the Nation of Japan no longer EXISTS, as well as the Capital of Rome.
  23. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    Hmmm...let's see here: About Dragon Install, not much has been said except that it relates to his Limiter. From what I've read so far regarding this, it works in Levels, but not quite the same as Kaoiken does. Let me explain: Dragon Install: Original GG Version-- Similar to Flame Distortion, except the Tension aspects...about the same as 50% Gain. Dragon Install: Normal-- Lasts about 8 Seconds, increases speed/powers up moves/changes move properties to somewhat lighter hits, yet maintains damage output/slightly increases Tension by an additional 50%. Ends in Faint, Puts you in high Re-Faint state/risks Negative Penalty (-20% Tension Gain for a certain period). (In a nutshell sacrifices a little Tension/Time Risk for Power/Speed). Dragon Install: Low Health-- Lasts about 11 Seconds, similar to above only lasts longer. Dragon Install: Flame Distortion-- Grants Full Tension/Tension Recharge/Level 3 Charge/Level 3 Recharge for 8 Seconds, Speed Increase, Properties of moves change accordingly based on Level. Dragon Install: Second-- Additional Input, Drains Health 2x faster than IK Mode without Tension, places Sol in a state of Permanent Negative Penalty (i.e. NO Tension Gain whatsoever), however Faint Limit is never reached so Speed/Move properties/Damage output never run out. (Nutshell: Sacrifice Health/Full Tension/Input/Startup for Infinite Use of Moves) Dragon Install: Instant Kill Requires Level 3 Charge/Full Tension or simply Full Tension but acts as a quick burst series of precise inputs, results in Broken Limiter/Extended Faint if anything is missed. Dragon Install: Third ?????? Dragon Install: Fourth-- This is only mentioned during the storyline of GG2 Overture, but it is the DI that causes Sol to achieve his Gear Form, he is apparently given flaming wings (which enable short bursts of flight), the ability to fire off long-range Gunflame shots like a cannon which apparently leave a Gunblaze-like trail of flame. It is mentioned that because Sol is able to achieve this form that the Limiter is beginning to erode (said by Raven to That Man). It's also said that once the Limiter finally ends up being broken beyond repair, that is when Sol will seek out That Man and put and end to everything (in his non-human form). So, to sum up, maintaining Sol's human form requires energy and strain, and if he uses too much of his "Gear" power, he risks breaking the Limiter which is used to maintain his human form. Normal Dragon Install grants him short bursts of speed/power while slowly building his Tension, resulting in a wave of nausea afterwards and rapid loss of energy...Permanent Dragon Install grants him the same in exchange for greatly damaging his body in exchange, as well as depleting his Tension completely to near-nothing, similar to a missed IK. Nothing about DI: Fourth is known as of yet....it does burn through his clothes however. Regarding the difference in combat style of Dragon Install, I believe it has more to do with Fireseal than anything else. Without Fireseal, Sol has to focus and charge up his powers in order to use them properly, Fireseal enables a constant stream of fire magic for him, and as a result he no longer needs to charge as much if at all. (This also explains his slightly lazier fighting style). Dragon Install no longer needs to act in short bursts, in other words, he doesn't need to fully charge up in order to use it, also, he does not need to "hit" the opponent to initiate it, it can be done from anywhere as long as he has the Fireseal with him. Although it still puts the 8-11 second strain on him afterwards, it isn't as bad if he misses...that is to say, DI: Instant Kill is a lot riskier than DI: Normal.
  24. Blade

    Guilty Gear Stories (spoilers abound!)

    The actual term he uses is "Danna" it's kindof a short honorific, usually used for highly respected tough guys (Yakuza/Biker term I guess). "Oi Danna, hisashiburi!" "Hey Chief, it's been a while!" @Hatred Edge: The actual term you referred to is Pauli's Exclusion Principle, dunno if that applies to the space-time continuum theories but...