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Danny Schme

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About Danny Schme

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/24/1990


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    Danny Schme

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  • Location
    Rhode Island

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  1. Danny Schme

    [P4A/P4AU] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread

    Kurumster's post is super on point. Good looks on including that video! And Dairy, once the 2B connects with the persona, you're able to JC the 2B and go about your business.
  2. Danny Schme

    [P4A/P4AU] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread

    I'll be trying to play both games more evenly and more frequently so I don't get TOTALLY blown up at NEC.
  3. Danny Schme

    [P4A/P4AU] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread

    Play BB for a month > come back to P4..... this game is irritating. GGs to those I played today. The rust on me is monumental.
  4. Danny Schme

    [P4A/P4AU] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread

    Northern Rhode Island got by relatively unscathed. I wish I could say the same for southern RI, NY and NJ and anywhere else that took a solid hit. Trust me, there is nothing gdlk about my S.Lab. But thank you! And let me know whenever you'd like to play! I was confused when you kept passing and closed the room haha
  5. Danny Schme

    [P4A/P4AU] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread

    Shoutouts to hurricanes. If I lagged it up to anyone, my apologies.
  6. Danny Schme

    [P4A] Shadow Labrys - Gameplay Discussion

    Oh man...
  7. Danny Schme

    [P4A] Shadow Labrys - Gameplay Discussion

    Good looks. Looking forward to it. ALSO - Shoutouts to dotShots for the inescapable command grab setup off twice in the Level Up tourney on stream (so far)
  8. Danny Schme

    [P4A] Shadow Labrys - Gameplay Discussion

    The work has been done for you. http://www.twitch.tv/dotshots/b/326809179?t=11m40s#
  9. Danny Schme

    P4A at MLG

    Signed. I rarely get to play games anymore but I'm trying to come to Summer Jam cause I know this is going to be hype. If I don't make it to SJ I will be at NEC for sure.
  10. GGs once again today, I learned A LOT about this match up today. And I feel I just improved overall. Thanks for the motivation once again :)

  11. Danny Schme

    [CSE] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread v2

    Not sure what the hell is wrong with my connection today, but my apologies to those I tried to play with. I don't think I got past the words "Rebel 1" more than twice. >_<
  12. Danny Schme

    [CSE] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread v2

    Changing my name to Danny Free.
  13. Danny Schme

    [CSE] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread v2

    Likewise good sir!
  14. Danny Schme

    [CSE] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread v2

    Even the most bullshit of Valks can be gods haha. This character is dumb.
  15. Danny Schme

    [CSE] XBL Match Finder/GG Thread v2

    NeoGio the god, always a pleasure.