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Danny Schme

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Everything posted by Danny Schme

  1. CT - Fine. CS1 - I'll drop her SO fast. I cannot go back to that. And if these changes stick... =X Noel can be hated on. But not by a Hazama player. Noel realllllllly hates Hazama
  2. Its been so long since I've been on one of these trips, that I oddly support this.
  3. Yessir. I should rephrase. Noel lost her current way of getting dumb and easy damage by taking away 214A cancels from drive combos.*
  4. Haz's chains decreased in attack level and Noel lost her means of getting enormous mid-screen damage via drive combos. So far, everyone is happy with our characters changes haha
  5. I guess? BBCS2+ w/ Relius Clover and shit. Balance changes for everyone and such.
  6. ... I don't know how I feel about that idea. Barrier meter better drain like a motherfucker if thats the case.
  7. There's a chance I'll be at Windsor Wednesdays =D I'll just hijack all the info from Paul if I go.
  8. No doubt man. The past few times I was on, I haven't see you. Bad timing I suppose.
  9. Next time I won't be retarded and forget about the tourney til the week before. Just requested TSB's and Summer Jam off from work. As soon as theres a date for the next PWA tourney, I'll request it. SPEAKING OF SUMMER JAM! Whats good? Any plans? Who wants in? Anyone have a room yet? (I highly doubt this last one.)
  10. Tales sounds like me. In other news, CT!, Flux Pavilion is playing @ the Webster on the 12th. =D
  11. I only got to watch the top 8 vids for BB that were uploaded to NicoNico (so all the Tokido top 8s and grand finals), but BB looks like it had an awesome representation this year! =D
  13. Nah, see I'm fine with being the ass that plays Noel. I just don't want to be ass at using Noel. Hahah Though if I did stop using Noel (which everyone would love to have happen), I'd learn Valkenslayer <3
  14. Lemme guess, down is south county at a beach house? Also - won't be at Why's. Working 1-9 then going out and being an annoying hipster. And as it stands, I won't be at PWA =[
  15. Worrrd Lmao I like that. Send me things to make me not ass at this game plz <3
  16. Unless you were breaking a throw is 1ABC, I doubt it. There are very few true option selects in BB.
  17. How odd that Tekken is the one game that Why plays on stick when that is the largest pad-warrior game in the US outside of Smash.