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About sesame

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  1. Printing miss in Famitsu. CS2 version update(arcade) is scheduled to be FALL not winter as stated in famitsu. Source : mori's twitter. http://twitter.com/zatuyoP/status/96224841748852736
  2. sesame

    BlazBlue Fanart [Some NSFW]

    i like how a page and a half is gone due to known reasons minus the last reminiscent of the replies..==;
  3. sesame

    BlazBlue Fanart [Some NSFW]

    more like too many request and we couldnt take it ahaha..... (and a lot of claim request and not much doing >__>) i'll just say do it at your own pace in your own thread or something ;w;.... ya. (or PM the artist, that always gets something started ;P) dont be shy guys hahaa ;D
  4. sesame

    Arctus Gallery of Horrors

    pffffft. sorry. i wasnt expecting that..... XDDDDDDDDDDDDD but AWESOME. ;D!
  5. sesame

    BlazBlue Fanart [Some NSFW]

    i had to prove to Luna i can draw something cute ._. Noel :3
  6. sesame

    BlazBlue Fanart [Some NSFW]

    psst、we have a sprite art thread :3
  7. just some arcade patches. mostly bug fix. nothing balancing regarding character as far as i know. (PZ's CS2's on 1.02B??i think)1.05B LOL
  8. #!*()!*#)@!*$()@!$% !23 SURE. i didnt see that file yet LOL

  9. JAPAN ONLY JAPAN ONLY JAPAN ONLY JAPAN ONLY JAPAN ONLY JAPAN ONLY JAPAN ONLY ya ^. 簡易キャラクター選択後、選択したキャラクターの PSR にてマッチングを行います。) after selecting easy mode, the selected character's PSR will be used (for display?) in match. NETWORK モードの対戦時におけるラグ対策の強) NETWORK mode's lag has been improved.(so less lag?) バランスバージョンは業務用「BLAZBLUE CONTINUUM SHIFT II」の 2011 年 4 月 15 日時点のバージョンと同等です。) the balanace patch will be the same as Continumm Shift 2(arcade) 's April 15 version. ・プレイヤー マッチルーム内での簡易チャットメッセージの追) adding MORE player match simple chat messages. ランク マッチにおける切断プレイヤーへの対策を強化) more against ragequitter in Ranked match(LOL) (・チャレンジモードにて、有限の固有ゲージを使用するミッションでゲージが自動回復するように 仕様を変) changed how meters recover in challangemode where gage/meter is required. ・モード選択時に特定の操作を行うことでゲームの進行が停止する可能性があった問題の修) fixed bug when selecting mode the game might freeze. (・ミューの特定モーション時に意図せぬ画像カラーが表示されていた問題の修) fixed bug when mu's certain motion cause the display color to be messed up.
  10. gli

    I was asleep when the news was on skype but; Happy Birthday ;D
