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Everything posted by sesame

  1. and when i'm very very very very bored i'll draw something that's not blazblue LOL it's quite sad =3=

  2. i ... draw females when i'm bored or out of inspiration. XD

  3. humm draw a lot XD or stare at them..............XDD heheheeh :3 I just been drawing males a lot XD

  4. ahaha thankks XD....... =w=! what do you wishh to learn today? :3.

  5. sesame

    Blazen! ~ The BlazBlue Sprite Comic

    someone told me that and i couldn't unsee it afterward.... AND SD LOOK NEW AVA =DDDDDD:yaaay:
  6. Caeli you are back =DDDD long time no see :3....... dawwwwwwww little Ky.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY........=D @ Ky
  7. psst i think it was Mori :3.XDDdd ( at least that Jin profile and Mu face just outright screamed MORI DREW IT) i watched it 5 times already oh god OTZ OTZ OTZ..WHY.....

  8. i just posted that in the news thread :3 hahaha does it really look like mine? :3 i'm very flatteredd hahaha

  9. as much as i must say i should have went to bed 3 hourz ago.... THE FRIGGING BBCSII OPENING IS AMAZING. can be seen here ; http://ch.nicovideo.jp/channel/ch93 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1290144315 my soul is screaming " THERE REALLY IS A GOD"..very loud right now.. and stuff and stuff and i'll stop fangirl and ragna DOES have a earpiercing on his cart. AND IT'S GOLD but apparently it's important cus i just saw 50 tweet on my twitter wall talking bout it...' THAT WAS AMAZING. ......yea. now i'll crawl to bed....
  10. ahaha very very true :3. i really cant find a song i don't like..... maybe ehhh black onslaught..on the lowest of the list, but that's just because i don't listen to metal but it still sounds nice :P

  11. like..urm 5000 yen per ticket all standing space, pre-order starts on christmas day for 'regular attandee' and entry starts at 1700 hourz while the show's at 1900z etcs? (i remeber random infos on the site ;3) hahah

  12. yea let me vote and i'll give you 20 songs............ and then.....THAT'S NOT EVEN VOTING...lolol i think it's harder finding a song you don't like that's by daisuke :3.

  13. i agree with your vote :3 those are nice songs XD~ while I really like ky's HolyOrder in GG2 too:3..... (BB wise i think I would have voted nightmare, lustsin(duhh) and Susano-o :3.) talk bout predictable : P

  14. subject? (for the email?) 'VOTE' ? lol i don't know they didn't say anything bout it that i can remember :3

  15. 3 for each. I'm still not sure if they even accept foreign votes.....but yea..

  16. you have to email them here : request@star-jam.com with a name and top 3 songs from bb/gg clearly stated XD.

  17. because you are suppose to email it to them....... i'm not sure if they accept foreign votes though yea cus vote is/can be 'from mobile' and you need to put your name and stuff..

  18. it's called before someone ask me to translate it....... i'll just do it myself :3 hahaha I know i cant go either.. cus even if i go i'll be back by then..OTZ sigh

  19. BB x GG MUSIC LIVE 2011 basic a concert(more like Daisuke concert :3) Jan.22.2011 Site-> http://star-jam.com/ggbb0122/index.html you can vote on your favorite song but the result 'll be only announced at the concert..and yea. if you want more detailed information(aka if you really want to go) PM me for the details.
  20. XDD ahaha No. US :3 hummm i guess all you can do now is just wait ;w;.... patpat*//...

  21. sesame

    BlazBlue Fanart [Some NSFW]

    dawwwww ;w; he's so cute......... i need to draw something for pokey day T^T.......
  22. ah. you Aussies :/(<3) ... waiiiiit what version of BB are you planning on getting then?? ahahah impression..let's leave it at that ..>:]

  23. D:?! i love my emotes >:] (esay to type one at that)(<--lazy( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Europe then i assume?XD (would the DLC be up even cus game's not released? XD)

  24. ohhh Noo. not foreverr ;w;, just for now.... I think i'll go fix my wording..... Thankkks ;w;.
