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[P4AU] Akihiko vs Kanji

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Thread to discuss Akihiko vs Kanji
Please be respectful to everyone's opinions!
List Kanji's tools, and Akihiko's answers and possibilities to them. Also an answer from Kanji's tools to Akihiko's tools. Finally give your opinion on who you think has an advantage (ie. 5-5 no one's favor, or 6-4 Akihiko's favor, or whatever).
Have fun!

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This matchup is very hard for akihiko because he can easily get blowned up with random grabs/guesses/proper pressure into grabs, however Akihiko's damage is so huge in this game I can easily say this is probably in Aki's advantage if only slightly with 6-4.


As usual, doing pressure is very risky, and you will want to go in, but try to constantly move out to make him grab the air. Sometimes taking risks will help, such as cross ups, to force the kanji player to DP or do more command grabs. They will also spend a lot of their time in the air, so with proper spacing you can grab them out of the air to force them to stay on the ground. Remember to punish Kanji's persona if he sets the persona for that long range air grab by getting far, then jumping at the persona after take mikazuchi has done the giant leap. You can also punish primal force if you IB or if kanji forgets to call him back for lightning pressure.


Once Kanji's persona is broken, go nuts. Go in like you've never gone in. With no DP, and no anti air command grab, that is your chance to make everything a world of hurt for him.

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Definitely not my favorite matchup. Couple of things:

A good block string in this matchup is stuff>stuff into D weave> 5C, keeping at the edge of your range. As Barz said, pressuring is risky, and if you aren't ready to make a real leap, I find that it's to good having this option handy. Timing considered, it beats out: A mash, grab mash, low block, and DP (YEA I KNOW), after which you can followup with a damaging combo or reset pressure. BUT, as always, keep an eye out for that super grab.

If he blocks the 5C, the worst that can happen is you just lose pressure really; it's safe. Keep in mind though, just don't become horribly telegraphed with where you use it. It's not exactly what I would call "legit pressure."


Remember, you can short hop your kill rush strings which is nice to bait grabs with, but know that occasionally D grab and super grabs'll beat it cuz they're just that slow/active. If you see this happening, mash j.C immediately; it'll stop your downward (as in hello grab how are you) momentum.


On defense, I'd mash DP a little bit more than I normally would because <<RPS>>

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