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[CSE] Arakune vs Litchi

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Seems easier than CS2/CS1.


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Foreword: I apologize for posting a lot in these threads in a short amount of time, it seems like no one is using them but they're here and I figure that I'll either spark some conversation or add some insight. I'd hate to see these go to waste like they did in CS2.

Her mid screen damage definitely has received a nerf, but she can still corner carry off of almost any random staff hit and her corner damage and oki are still very litchi-esque, as are her staff normals which present a problem to arakune's zoning.

It's an incredible up-hill battle and it depends a lot on patience and watching what litchi is doing/what she is setting up to do and how to react to it. Generally she will harass you from full screen by flinging her staff at you if you try to set up clouds/j.D or 6D. If you take to the air she will chase you down with j.C[m] (wall bounds on counter hit). If you approach her air to ground with j.4B she will attempt either 2C/2C[m]/DP/j.C[m]. All of the aforementioned can lead into major damage and corner carries save for a non-RC'd DP (iirc). If you block her DP its a free fatal counter 2C, since the pushback is large enough to make 5C either whiff or make it harder to do dive loops afterwards, either way I personally find 2C fatal counter after blocked DP better. I know this goes for most characters but litchi is insane in the corner, against a good player you cannot/will not get out. Save your bursts until then or gold burst if you can guarantee a curse combo that will kill her.

When it comes to pre-curse combos and litchi, I generally like to end my meter with combos that leave me in her face, since she could probably out range me if I have 100% curse and I ended my combo with 5a-6B-j.d/fog. Try to fill your curse gauge with 5D/j5D/6D since they will leave you in good positioning to apply pressure.

One final thing: Since arc nerfed daisharin litchi players are using it as a neutral tool now, be aware of this.

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Our local Litchi promised to become more active, so I should be getting some good info here soon.

No problem with posting a lot, I was in the middle of thinking of ways to spark discussion myself.

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