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[CP] Relius Clover vs Hazama

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Discuss the Hazama matchup here.

The Neutral Game

Long Range: Your Tools vs His Tools

Medium Range: Your Tools vs His Tools

Close Quarters: Your Tools vs His Tools

In The Air: Your Tools vs His Tools


Your Offense:

His Offense:


Your Defense:

His Defense:

Gimmicks and Resets

Match Summary

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Honestly I think it depends on the type of Hazama you play. Some will spam chains, and some might just stay on you the whole match. If he spams chains, I think its similar to playing Nu just without being able to abuse Ley on swords as much. Up close, I honestly don't have too much issue blocking his mixup (but the ones I play never use his 6A), and then thry start tryin to mix in 214D~C which can be smacked out of easily. Ive heard some Hazama's say that chain pressure isn't very effective on Relius, though the reasoning for it idk.

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The reason is the wife. She doesn't care in the least about chains. With ignis out, Superjump->land->immediatly Tus. The result will be a flying val tus that more times than not will make a chaining Hazama's situation get tense. Also keep in mind that if this guy A cancels his chains he's gotta land, and we've got a fun new 22X series to play with.

One more thing, something I've noticed, whenever a Hazama neutral techs far away immediately 214B. I don't know why it is, but every Hazama I've faced always jumps backwards too late doesn't guard, and gets hit by it. It's a really weird pattern, but it seems to be consistent and it'll get you in practically free.

Final note, 4D like you've never 4D'd before.

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How do I deal with this guy's command grab gimmicks? For someone who gets in so easily against us, he shouldn't have Bloody Fangs... >_<

In fact, how do I play defensively against Hazama at all? I can't Anti-Air him because ?D->j.B/j.C/j.2C is somehow legit at beating 2C. And when he gets in all his stuff is ether plus on block or cancel-able into landing, jumping, or 214D~A. I want to do to him what Relius did to him at the end of his CSE arcade mode. Tell me how to make this happen. Heck, I need more than just that. I need to know when Hazama is at his weakest and how to take advantage of that, because against the standard Hazama I see no openings.

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Hazama player here.

I don't play this matchup often and I don't consider myself well versed in mechanics or as a player, but I think Hazama's at his most vulnerable when he whiffs a fully outstretched chain. If you can get in before he gets a chance to retract it, you've got a good shot. You can use the wife as a shield since she pretty much doesn't give a fuck about chains, but since I don't play Relius I don't know how viable that is.

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Now ya see, the problem here is if you use the wife to get in the Hazama can ether B-cancel out of the way, or possibly even D-cancel because you're still locked in animation. Usually by the time Relius covers half the screen to punish a whiff chain, Hazama is in sunny Mexico.

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Ah yes, that would be a problem. Somehow that completely slipped my mind. Also, I'm siging that line.

Hm...That little gear special (The one where he pulls the lever and it comes out from under the foe) is always a problem for me when he throws it out if I'm trying to get to him. So maybe you could use that?

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I see this as a round of who can make the other screw up more. Lets assume you already have ignis out. If he's full screen throwin chains, jump and start advancing ignis witg the j.xD series. If it blocks a chain, Hazama either has to deal with ignis as his pivot point or recover and toss out another chain attempt, which can then be used to start another j.xD.

For his pressure, it's gonna be difficult to not be caught by his command grab occasionally imo because he has so many options of punishing jump-outs. If he gets in and goes with a really basic string, say blah blah>214D~A, sometimes you can just mash 2A and get a small combo. Since a lot of his moves have short range, use barrier as well. He'll be forced to use stagger 5B, which, while good, is obviously filled with gaps lol. He also night try to use a chain to get close, and I think you could dash barrier closer so his chains get mininal blockstun, or you may even have enough time to 214A him if he's close enough to the ground. Its really tough though, since he has like a dictionary on "how to ride your opponent". He's that homoerotic

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God damn do I hate this matchup.  How in the fuck do you anti air him?  2C is too slow to catch him out of chains and 6B probably doesn't have the horizontal range.  I can't imagine 4D working very well but I haven't been able to try because every time I 4D on reaction Ignis gets hit.


I have noticed that you can seemingly Ley out of any 214D stance specials, including Zaneiga.  Is this correct or is the timing on this just really weird?  Cause every time I tried it I was able to avoid the mixup and punish with 6D.  

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Anything into a stance move has a gap for him that you can led ley. However, don't forget he can dash in stance and has a command grab with 50 heat now.

Also, when it comes to chains, you want to make them wiff or have ignis eat them. If he tries to use his A followup, ignis forces him to block, and all of his other options force him to move around ignis instead of straight to you. This is good because if he uses another chain to get in on you, he doesn't have any more movement options left if you make him wiff, which temporarily gives you a moment to move in.

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