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Do you prefer the English or Japanese voices?

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 Let's be fair for a second, the common elitist wouldn't be able to tell a bad jpn voice actor from a good one since the inflection of each word is meaningless if you don't understand the language. And even if one DOES have a grasp of the japanese language, most of the exposure you'd get it is from anime; it's not the language you speak and hear in every day life and therefore it becomes harder to recognize a natural performance or one that is over the top.


Just saying, ALL of the Japanese voices are over the top, because the way Japanese voices are in anime and games is vastly different from your average speech pattern. This isn't something that exists in English too much, since the way people talk on TV is about the same way we talk to one another in casual conversation, but for a comparison to Japanese, there's normal conversations (like you and any random person on the street might have), and then there is what you'd sound like when acting, which would be like if every single person imitated William Shatner.

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Japanese [JP] Voices.

Because: Original Voice & Acting.... Fits As Should Be.


Dubbing It To Another Language. Basically Ruins The Roll For "X" Character [in My Opinion]


Totally agreed. Also the Japanese voices have more feelings into them.

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Totally agreed. Also the Japanese voices have more feelings into them.

How exactly do people measure things like that?

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How exactly do people measure things like that?


The Japanese do have a habit of hamming it up a lot more than English, which gives the impression of "More emotion".

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The Japanese do have a habit of hamming it up a lot more than English, which gives the impression of "More emotion".

Ragna, Terumi and Bang come to mind for fairly obvious reasons. Honorable mention goes to Makoto.

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I think everyone in Japanese is generally more hammier than their English counterparts.

Note: hammier doesn't equate to better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Example of Questionable dubbing.


As far as BB goes for me I like it in Japanese.  No I don't speak it or understand it in any real way.  Yes I prefer to watch anime in subs because most dubs only use the same 8 voice actors for characters.


Now P4U I like both, Japanese Yosuke is great but I remember P4 with the English voices...and by voices I mean the original Chie dub and not the current one.

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My friend can't stand Japanese Valkenhayn, though I never understood what was so bad.



Back in EXTEND I was playing a Valk mirror with my friend, (I had JAP voices, and he uses the ENG) he didn't like the way Japanese Valk sounds.

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Japanese acting is inherently more over the top and scenery chewing.  Hence why if you watch Japanese  TV dramas they tend to be more hammy than people in those situations probably should.


It's not a matter of having more emotion, it's just cultural differences.  That's why some dub actors do a lot of screaming and yelling and emphasizing words and such, to try and match the feel of the Japanese style.  

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That's probably why I like Blazblue's(and a lot of other) dubs so much; they do their own thing instead of trying to emulate the original language.



As Johnny Yong Bosch put it "They're voice actors, not voice imitators" 

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If every dub only tried to emulate the original cast, then they would all be inferior by default. Sugita is the best there is at Sugiting; if Patrick Seitz only tried to impersonate him when voicing Ragna, I wouldn't hear Ragna, I'd just hear an american guy trying to sound like a japanese voice actor.


When the english dub does things differently however, it means that (ideally) people can enjoy both versions for different reasons.

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I'm mainly stick to Japanese in BB. I do think that Patrick Seitz does an excellent Ragna though.


P4A is English for me. I think that both languages are solid but Kanji is my favorite character and Troy Baker's performance as him is perfection.

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English because of DC Douglass and Julie Ann Taylor


DC Douglass' Azreal may sound like his Wesker but basicly they kind of share the same type of voice (either bored or very mad)

Only thing that bothers me is that they somehow f*cked up at editing and now his voice is kinda quiter


Julie Ann Taylor, well, I think that kind of speaks for itself

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ENG Bullet's voice was the real editing problem. I could barely hear her at all during story mode.

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My reaction varies from character to character. I enjoy both English and Japanese Ragnas, but I feel that both Jins are mixed bags. English Jin does great with the "crazy" lines, but he doesn't quite match the serious and refined tone of the JP VA on the serious lines. As for Azrael, I feel that the Japanese VA did a much better job of portraying someone who's violently unstable, but the characterization seems to differ in the English version. 

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Example of Questionable dubbing.

As far as BB goes for me I like it in Japanese. No I don't speak it or understand it in any real way. Yes I prefer to watch anime in subs because most dubs only use the same 8 voice actors for characters.

Now P4U I like both, Japanese Yosuke is great but I remember P4 with the English voices...and by voices I mean the original Chie dub and not the current one.

New chie is okay, still dont get why this is a thing

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I prefer playing in japanese, but I would always play in the english dub afterwards.

I think each language has its own charm. For example, I think the japanese dub of Blazblue makes the gameplay more dramatic(like during Carl's story mode in CS); the english dub on the other hand I find more hilarious, like Persona 3 and 4( I dunno since I'm so used to their english voices)

Also, there are seiyuus and voice actors that I always look forward to hearing whenever I play

*coughyuichinakamuraandmiyukisawashirocough* *coughtroybakerandyurilowenthalcough*

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I prefer the Japanese voices purely because the characters tend to yammer on a lot during matches and I find it less distracting if I don't know what they're saying.  Haha.

Also, no disrespect to Doug Erholtz or Erik Davies, but Yuichi Nakamura does the whole psychotic laughter thing better than damn near anybody.

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I prefer the Japanese voices purely because the characters tend to yammer on a lot during matches and I find it less distracting if I don't know what they're saying.  Haha.

Also, no disrespect to Doug Erholtz or Erik Davies, but Yuichi Nakamura does the whole psychotic laughter thing better than damn near anybody.


I think that all of the Japanese VA's are amazing, they fit and portray the characters so well.


English, on the other hand, it just never sounds right to me. It just feels half-baked, no disrespect to the English VA's of course. This is just my personal opinion.

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It depends on the quality, most of the time I'll use subs but for BB/P4A I enjoy the dubs (bar Plat...half the time)

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Japanese acting is inherently more over the top and scenery chewing.  Hence why if you watch Japanese  TV dramas they tend to be more hammy than people in those situations probably should.


It's not a matter of having more emotion, it's just cultural differences.  That's why some dub actors do a lot of screaming and yelling and emphasizing words and such, to try and match the feel of the Japanese style.  


To elaborate a bit, Japanese voice acting and English voice acting differ this way because of their inherent roots. Japanese draws its influence from kabuki, which if you have not yet guessed, is very...shall we say, "expressive". Hence why a lot of anime and manga tend to go over the top most of the time. English voice acting on the other hand gets its influence from radio. And if you listen to those, they rarely go all Monty Python instead focusing on making clear statement to their viewers.


Does this make it either one inherently superior? Not really. It's a cultural thing like Poultrygeist is saying and a matter of preference really.

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