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New to BB but not to fighting games

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I just created an account and want to make my presence known. I've recently gotten inspired to try my hand at competing in BBCP. I'm not "new" to the series itself as I've owned every game since the original but I've never went beyond an extremely casual(and semi button mashing) level. I've been competing and travelling for Games such as the Tekken series(my main game) SC series, MK Series, Injustice (for a few months), KI and now I'm back to just Tekken. I know my way around terminology once I learn it and I understand concepts. The scene in my area is very small from what I gather so I'm going to try to learn from ground up with whatever I have. Any started advice, some PSN tags and anything of that nature is welcome. My character interests are Taokaka (Since CT she's my favorite) and Kokonoe (Like the character and her personality though I'm aware she's really good which is a bonus). Hope to interact and see you guys around :)

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Which general area are you in, so folks know if they're likely to have a decent connection to you?

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Which general area are you in, so folks know if they're likely to have a decent connection to you?

Chesapeake VA

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Ah, Virginia beach here. There's a few Norfolk BB/GG players on dustloop. 


I'm in the VA area.

I had to pick up Jin and some DJ Blacktricity study after playing you and a few other Jin players. He's my worst personal matchup though replays showed me some things. 

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I didn't even know we've played XD

July 2, netplay. I assume I played so poorly, you didn't want a third match haha (red litchi). Still learning CP Litchi. I've been playing Tsubaki when I started in late April. 


Anyone know anything about the scene in southeastern Virginia?

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not at all actually.

I remember fighting some litchis, if I left it means I was trying to grind for pink square.


but Vegeta if you want to fight I can try to give you some advice on what to do, I don't mind.

and Teejay if you can let me know more about that scene that would be lovely.

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Well before I made my choice as to what 2nd game I'd try to take seriously next to Tekken Dark Steel told me there were about 7 people roughly playing locally and offline (not sure how good/bad the netcode for BBCP is in regards to training but if it's like KI it'd be legit). Not new to any style of fighter (2D, 3D, 2.5D) but never really "tried" in an anime fighter. Either way so far I'm having fun learning things via tutorial mode/challenge mode. Gotta dig deeper into the basics/fundamentals of my character though. I'm going in properly from the start with this game. That's the idea.

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all i'll say is don't focus too much on combos, but if you do, once you get it, set the training dummy to CPU and try to land the combo on them from there.

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Only combos is what I'm NOT trying to focus on first. I know they play a big part in damage but I want to understand the basics first. Haven't had the chance to "sit down" with another person yet. Mostly been messing around in practice and using tutorial

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That's a good start. In BB you do need combos yes, but just a simple little 2k combo is enough to begin with, especially with Tao who won't get much damage, but has lots of opportunities to get it

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I also played Tekken before picking up BlazBlue.


The first thing that a new player should work on are just getting used to the machanics that this game has, that most others may not, especially Tekken:

-Movement is a big one, getting used to the distance your characters dashes if they have a step, or how fast they run, the speed and distance in which they dash each way in the air, and if they have character specific movement like Hazama's chains, or Tao's Drive.


-Getting used to and implementing the basic system mechanics, like Barrier Blocking, Rapid Canceling(if only just to make things safe for beginner level players), Counter Assaulting, Instant Blocking(Which probably wont be used until you've gotten used to defense in general, but it's important to know it's there, and be comfortable with executing it), and Crush Trigger.


After that, I'd probably say combos, because you're not gonna win anytime soon if you're not doing them.

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I also played Tekken before picking up BlazBlue.


Didn't you pick up Noel because she reminded you of Tekken juggles? 


Everything mentioned is sound advise. I would also add that I'd prioritize pressure or combo grinding. Tao can be pretty scary on multiple fronts. You'll feel at home too when you can get out of trouble with her and move full screen on a whim with her dive. 

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CT Noel's Throw Whiff loop did remind me of Tekken's juggles quite a bit yeah, it wasn't the sole reason but it definitely helped make me feel at home with the character. Combining that with the fact that her Drives pretty much acted like Crushes in Tekken/all 3D fighters, with 2D crushing lows, and 4D sidestepping mids, with 3C crushing highs. She was pretty much the closest thing to a 3D FG character that BB had.

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I thought mashing 2A was a basic defense mechanic. I see it often enough

No. There's a long discussion to be had about when mashing is appropriate, just mashing 2A is not basic defense.

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Alright guys I need a favor. I've never done it like this before but, I decided to start with Kokonoe. Now that being said I browsed through the forums for her but again there is no real "beginning 101" guide or anything I can see. Just starts, mostly for those who already know the game. Is there anywhere someone can point me to, to have something like that? Movement, bare bones fundamentals and such I know full well I can practice on my own and research, but the character itself I want to start with basics and work my way up. I don't want to get bombed with the "incorrect or out of order" info first. If anything like that doesn't exist, would anyone message me something of that nature? I really do want to start as solid as I can from ground up and I tend to find it harder just looking through books of info first as opposed to have a basic "guide" to go by and then expand via practice and exp. Watching EVO atm too so I have some ideas as to what is going on but I'm also asking myself the "why did, how did, or what was" kinda stuff. This'll be a big help. I'll say Tekken is still my main game and when I started that I was kinda "on my own" for the most part (started in 5.0) and some of the things I accidentally overlooked or "ignored" made life much harder in the long run and I'm still correcting things from this day. I don't want to make that mistake again so at least starting I'm trying to keep a REAL close eye on "solid".
I'm looking for basic basic combos, fundamentals, basic strats etc. Don't "hold my hand" but kinda help guide me at first. I appreciate it fellas. :)

Koko just looks like too much fun. I'll learn Tao when I get the hang of the game itself, she really seems based a LOT on movement and timing to get through/around stuff.

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