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Anti airing advise?

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So anti airing has always been one of my weaker points when it comes playing footsies in more air dasher type fighting games, I generally can anti air pretty decently in games like SF but I have a lot more trouble doing that in a game like Blazblue where characters just have so many different movement options.


I know some advise involves just sitting in training mode and learn the spacing on the anti air moves but their has to me more I can do besides that to get a better feel for it. So any suggestions on what I can do to practice that? 

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get used to your character's best anti options. Stay focused on the match and always ready to react to your opponent's air approach. And when you couldn't react fast enough to AA a unsafe jump-ins, or a reckless airdash, told yourself not to let it happened again.
And one way i practice anti air(beside real match - of course) is not just going to training mode, but to think about it :D. Just think about the situation when u can AA  something, and imagine that you've done it.Do it everytime you have free time to think, belive me, that will help your reaction :D

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Get used to using different attacks to cover different angles. If you don't have a good attack for the angle they're coming from, adjust your spacing. Run under them, even. Most of anti airing is reacting and adjusting.

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