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ludwig van

[P4AU] Naoto vs. Elizabeth

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Played a decent Elizabeth player today and this matchup seems to be a bit more " fair" that before due to various changes, such as Naoto having a cooldown for Aim, which means that we can't completely lame her out like before., Liz's 5B and j.B having more range, being able to charge 2C which adds a bit to her Thanatos mixup, SB Mabufudyne tracking, SB Maziodyne giving her a way in, etc.


One aspect about this matchup that stays the same however is that both characters can easily dominate the other quickly if the other makes a mistake. Liz can't really do much under 5A/2A stagger pressure and her R-Action is still just.... lol. However, if the Liz player's neutral is on point and manages to keep Naoto just outside of her 5A/B range, then it isn't surprising for Liz to take a round without really getting touched, especially if her status ailment inflicting moves have a hand in it (which is something we should all develop a presence of mind for in this matchup since she can easily stack them).


To add on to the point on how both characters can quickly dominate is that both can deal a high amounts of damage to the other in one go if the situation is right/they have enough resources. Naoto's new SB Anti-S SP Pistol super is really dangerous to Liz due to Silence, which is Liz's bane obviously, plus Fear and 6 Fate Counters on top of that and the regular version of the super was already dangerous to begin with just for Silence alone! Occasionally you may put yourself into Awakening just for using the super (Either the regular or SB version), which is enough meter for a regular gun super at the least, if this happens then it's not a bad choice to burn the meter since it's extra damage and Liz relatively still has low health despite going from 7500 HP to 8000 HP.


On the flip side, Liz can really hurt Naoto as well. A Liz player who knows her stuff will know how to exploit those status ailments and do something nasty like Fear grab resets and I'm only scratching the surface. In general, if her opponent does not really know how to deal with Liz once the ailments start stacking then it's not an uncommon sight to see her opponent lose all their health in a matter of seconds.


Basically, this matchup is very momentum based (at least from my experience fighting Liz in both games). Once one side scores a decisive victory in neutral, it's hard for the other to stage a comeback unless their opponent messes up, in which case, the situation is reversed, or returns to neutral at the very least.


Anyway I would've added a few more things, but it's getting late and I feel that the things I've left out are things that should be known from the predecessor's version of this matchup such as watching out for 5B, j.B and 2B, DPing through reactible Thanatos attacks in her pressure, etc.

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