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【GGXX+R】 Shinjin is Champion

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【【 GGXX+R Baiken combo video: Shinjin is Champion 】】


Dear viewer,

This is a combo video that hopefully can give you a couple of giggles and smiles. Mayhap even a cry or two (because of the powerful bacon combos). The goals and ambitions for this video were high as Baiken´s combo potential is extremely high in this game. But alas, life has its ways of keeping me busy with other endeavours that also are interesting. So for this time, here are some bits and pieces of me playing around in training mode while I was exploring the potential of this angry Japanese woman.

Best regards,
Shinjin @Shinjinnnn on Twitter!

P.S. I could throw up some random and un-edited Baiken combos if you are interested. Just write a comment or send me a tweet!

【【 Music 】】

Mitch Murder – Thanks for Playing
*Check out http://mitchmurder.bandcamp.com/ for more awesome music from Mitch Murder!

【【 Other Baiken-videos 】】

【GGXX+R BUG】 Shinjin式

【GGXX+R BUG】 FD-cancelling Baikens jump dust
Baiken Combo Video - Legend of Kyoto

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