
Template page


| nameplate      = yes/no. Toggle nameplate image for character. Default: no.
| umo            = The character's movement options.

| Additional parameters:
| fastestAttack  = Wikitext field for the character's fastest attack(s).
| reversal       = Wikitext field for the character's reversal(s).
| reversalType   = Wikitext field for the character's reversal type.
| fatalStarter   = Wikitext field for the character's Fatal Starters (in applicable games).
| fatalRecovery  = Wikitext field for the character's Fatal Recovery moves (in applicable games).

| Override parameters:
| game = Game's shorthand. Equivalent to the BASEPAGENAME.
| chara = Character's name. Equivalent to the SUBPAGENAME.

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.