
Template page
| chara                 = (inferred from page URL)
| game                  = (inferred from page URL)
| overview              = 
| lore                  = optional
| voice_actor           = optional
| quote                 = optional
| summary               = usedd in pros/cons table and in discord embeds
| pros                  = 
| cons                  = 
| footnote              = 
| unique_mechanic1_name = Subsection header for main FP Box
| unique_mechanic1      = contents for the corresponding optional subsection
| unique_mechanic2_name = Subsection header for main FP Box
| unique_mechanic2      = contents for the corresponding optional subsection
| unique_mechanic3_name = Subsection header for main FP Box
| unique_mechanic3      = contents for the corresponding optional subsection
| fastestAttack         = (optional)
| reversal              = (optional)
| reversalType          = (optional)
| fatalStarter          = (optional)
| fatalRecovery         = (optional)

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.