
47 editsJoined 1 September 2022

geocities' Bridget Esoterica 101 (Discord Edition)

Bridget Recycles

aka the Ground Killer (!!!!!!!)

Using Rolling > Aerial on the corner after a Kickstart > Shoot KD and optimizing damage by using Yoyo recall twice mid combo. Crouching only.

The Recycle

HSS_3 > 214K > jK > jS > HS Recall > HS Stop > c.S(2)/f.S > HS Recall > 66 > c.S(1) > 6P > c.S(2) > 236K~K
The combo presented.

Character Differences
Works With No Issue  Anji,  Axl,  Baiken,  Dizzy,  Eddie,  Jam,  Justice,  Johnny,  Ky,  May,  Order-Sol,  Potemkin,  Robo-Ky,  Slayer,  Sol,  Testament
Works With A Nuance  I-No, Venom
Doesn't Work / Not Worth  A.B.A,  Bridget,  Chipp,  Faust,  Kliff,  Millia1, Zappa2

1. Can technically be done with jK > jS but extremely inconsistent compared to j2S.

2. Extremely inconsistent, not worth doing.

For the character's under the not working section, use this alternate starter.

HSS_3 > 214K > j2S

This enables the use of the combo but with the risk of possibly getting stuffed, or something else.

The Nuances :

 Venom (

 I-No (Omit final cS(2) for cS(1) for consistency) (Really hard)

 Potemkin crouching is tall enough for Bridget to route into the IAD combo, thus obsoleting this. Still possible to do.