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Prototypes of Full Theoryboxes

Corner 236K Oki

There are a few common ways to setup 236K oki and many options for the mix afterwards. First we'll break down setting the oki up, then go over several of the options afterwards.


2K > 2D confirmThis is what we've been waiting for.

2K > 2D > 214H, ]K[
Eddie can be summoned on reaction to 2K > 2D connecting. Completely reversal safe, it's best to delay slightly before jumping or dashing to mix and confirm that they have blocked drills and haven't done a reversal.

Mid-Combo Early UnsummonForgo damage for oki

... > 2[H] > 236S/]S[ > 214H, dash, 236K
This option is useful if you realize you want to unsummon early and are able to start the unsummon immediately after using "Leap". ]S[ has more frame advantage on the knockdown than 236S and so it's very easy to go for slightly greedier oki if Eddie was already out.

The sequences before using this setup generally involve either getting a hit with solo Zato on oki or as a punish or having used 236[K] beforehand to gain an additional Eddie action.

Be sure not to input 236K too early as you want to give time for the Eddie gauge to refill.

Mid-Combo Late UnsummonTricky but well worth learning

... > 2[H], ]K[(1), delay 214H, dash, 236K
This option is for when you don't have enough Eddie meter to use "Leap" and unsummon. Slightly tricker, it's easy to time the sequence incorrectly and fail to meaty or leave yourself open to reversals. Still a valuable route to learn as it can often be used to stop just short of breaking the wall, enabling the following mix to end in wallslump.

Using Clap Cancel 236K

In most instances of corner oki where 236K or ]K[ is used as a meaty, you can opt to clap cancel into 236K to reduce the amount of Eddie meter used by the full sequence of drills. This can save enough meter to allow for an additional Eddie action in the followup sequences.

  • The downside to clap cancelling in these setups is that it is generally less safe to reversals as Zato is vulnerable during the clap animation and is a free point at which the opponent can Burst or YRC successfully on reaction if Zato is in range.
  • Be sure to link the clap cancel as fast as possible after 236K to ensure you only get a single drill before cancelling or you may end up using more Eddie meter on accident.
  • It's possible to clap cancel ]K[ too early not allowing a drill to come out and failing to meaty.
  • Off of some knockdowns you may be able to meaty with 236[K], which uses even less Eddie meter and is generally more reversal safe.

Using OTG before 236K

In most instances where you setup 236K oki with a hard knockdown you can opt to OTG for extra meter and damage.

  • The downside of using an OTG is that you are doing wall damage, which limits the damage of the combo after the following mixup. Additionally, the normal you OTG with will push you out some distance which can be good and bad.
  • 5K, 2K, c.S, 2S, 5H, and 2D can all be used to OTG. Generally, if you choose to OTG pick what is the right balance for you of damage vs pushback vs execution.
  • OTG and Clap Cancel 236K can be combined for maximum greed. Generally OTG 5H > 236K(1), 236K is the best option if you want to go for this as it's safe to many lower range reversals.


This will only cover layer one of the mixups from 236K oki as there are an extremely large amount of branching options from each of these first round mixups.

IAD j.S > j.DThe go-to

jump, 66, slight delay j.[S] > j.D, ]P[, 2K
The first option, and a very strong one. This is equally effective against opponents who are aware of the mixup as it is against those who are not.

Make sure to delay the j.S a small amount after flying to ensure it both lands as close to same frame as the immediate low as possible and so that you fall slightly before it connects. Additionally, it is important to delay a while after j.D before releasing "Pierce" to ensure you get as much frame advantage as possible. If ]P[ is done too quickly any normal you try after j.D can be mashed or thrown.

IAD j.S, 2KCounterpart to double high.

jump, 66, slight delay j.[S], 2[K], ]P[
This is the most likely option to be blocked against weaker opponents as they will instinctively fuzzy guard low after a falling high. This does not make it a bad option, it is still very important to rotate this into the options you pick.

IAD 2KMix this into your mix to mixup your mixup.

jump, 33, 2[K], ]P[
Low option for the initial high/low mixup. In additon to being a mixup in its own right when paired with j.S this option also has a variety of vary strong secondary mixups afterwards such as tick throw and 5D

IAD 623SCan't let them forget that Zato is a grappler.

jump, 33, slight delay 623S
It's important to introduce options into your mixup that punish the opponent for patient blocking if possible. Additionally, the 623S includes a "Leap" release which can help make your throw safer if they opponent jumps or backdashes. The oki after command throw is generally weaker than 236K oki, but the damage and meter gain are well worth it.

If you delay the 33 IAD you can delay the 623S less or not at all. Whichever you choose it's important to ensure the opponent has left blockstun for at least five frames so throw protection is gone.

Hit conversionThey were scared of the mix.

jump, 66, j.[S], 5[P], ]P[ WS > 214H > 5H
Cowards (and smart opponents) will occasionally take the hit on purpose. This is smart as it can prevent from from getting mixed for more damage, put in a wallslump situation, or potentinally get them out if you aren't ready to convert.

There are a variety of conversion you can do. If you don't jump and instead dash up to confirm you can get slightly higher damage.