
34 editsJoined 2 August 2022
  1. Command Grab Midscreen Safejump

Command Grab Midscreen SafejumpAutotimed, will beat Mashing, as well as DPs.
78 Damage

623K > Dash > (OTG) c.S > jc.7 > IAD > j.H

This combo is very important as 623K
Error: Table MoveData_Kodesu not found.
is the core of Mays strike-throw mixup. It is not a techable grab, and can lead to high damage corner combos. Midscreen it still provides value as a way for May to catch wakeup DP Dragon Punch A move that has invulnerability during its startup, long recovery, and a rising motion. if timed correctly and the opponent blocking.

Be sure to do the airdash as soon as you're able to, or else the safejump will not work.