From Dustloop Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions

My game is stuttering; what are the best settings for this game?

Who should I play/how do I play X?

The ultimate answer is to play whoever you want.

So should I start with a "beginner character"?

No, you should start and play with whoever you jive with and enjoy the most.

Okay, but who are the easiest characters?

This is always a question that veterans are hesitant to answer, because every character is difficult in the long run.

How Balanced is this Game?

Good enough that you can get good and blow up anyone with any character.

Is this game difficult?

What should I focus on?


How different is this game from other ArcSys games?

Every ArcSys games are wildly different from each other, in short. You don't necessarily compare them for the sake of "game X is better than Y". Nevertheless if you are still curious, we have compiled the differences of some commonly compared games:

Guilty Gear Xrd

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R

Blazblue Series

How do I hit opponents and structure offense?

How do I stop getting hit?

How do I escape pressure (like Sol's "infinite" Far S)?


What's the recommended pad/stick layout?

Do I need the Dash/RC/Burst/FD macro?


Where's the tier list?
