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Getting ready to play Blazblue: Chronophantasma Extend

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Hello everyone. On Christmas, Im getting a PlayStation4 with Blazblue. I can't wait to be part of the community. Any tips for a
newbie like me? I played Continuum Shift 2 so I know some basics.

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If you cant play now, watch and study videos.  CS2 and CPEX are pretty different, and practicing CS2 will be bad for muscle memory I think.

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4 hours ago, MrAbyss said:

If you cant play now, watch and study videos.  CS2 and CPEX are pretty different, and practicing CS2 will be bad for muscle memory I think.

Ohhhh. OK! Yeah they chnaged some combos and nerfed/buffed characters. And yeah, I've been BlazBlue vids for quite some time. Thanks for the tip :D

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Even though you're carrying knowledge from another version of BlazBlue, I think you should still finish the tutorial mode! Its pretty long but they cover everything you need to know, including the new features they added.

If you're anything like me, you're not gonna absorb everything at once so just go back to certain parts every now and then to refresh your brain. After that, everything else gameplaywise you will learn through mistakes and you'll kind of pick up on your own.


(Competitive answer) Also learning big strong combos are good, but you should learn what your character can do first. Like, see what move connects to what and see how far you can push yourself from the enemy when they're blocking you. Someone who knows how to pressure and block is scarier than someone who knows how to combo. Have fun :thumbu:

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@RichyGaming Thank you! I will! I'm thinking about playing Celica, Rachel, Hazama or Tao. Taokaka may not be a good idea because of low health and bad damage. She can really combo though!

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@MrAbyss Thanks!

Ohhhh. OK! Yeah they changed some combos and nerfed/buffed characters. And yeah, I've seen BlazBlue vids for quite some time. Thanks for the tip :D That, and i know that Valkenhayn is top tier and Terumi being bottom tier.


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On 11/24/2015, 6:05:51, _C4 said:

@RichyGaming Thank you! I will! I'm thinking about playing Celica, Rachel, Hazama or Tao. Taokaka may not be a good idea because of low health and bad damage. She can really combo though!

I think you can still be competitive with Tao if you really like her! (Me and my friend are trying to pick her up) Even Terumi players can win, its hard though so you gotta put in some work. I use Terumi a lot he's really fun lol 


I never used Celica but she can do some real big boy damage. It looks like she has a hard time pushing herself away from the person blocking her before she gets punished. 


BTW I use Bang and I recommend trying him out if you're interested in him. They reaaaally changed him and he's super fun too!

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