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About PhantomMenace

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  • Birthday 08/17/1989


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  • Location
    Phantom Realm (alternate dimension from Hueco Mundo)
  1. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    Me has a question. 6hs, 6hs, lvl3 RI, dash, 5s, 5h, j.hs, dj. d, lvl1 brp worth doing or no? (cause it did mad damage on Ky)
  2. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    If I ever see one you do dat..............
  3. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol General Discussion

    So what about doing a mixup that allows you make them guard one way and gives u an opening? What could I do to change up my routine and make them slip up? (like making them guard low and going for an overhead. And vice versa) (the reason i'm asking this is b/c I usually mix up my combos w/ high and low attacks. My usual reaction to someone who guards low during the combo is BRP or 2H)
  4. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol General Discussion

    Level 3 is dangerous enough. OS would be banned if he had Dragon Install (mega overpowered)
  5. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol General Discussion

    i swore i saw dat in a vid
  6. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol General Discussion

    Only thing i know is it's not safe against Pot. Expect Heat Knuckle. But it does get you out the air to the ground to continue a combo. (that's just what i've seen in a video)
  7. PhantomMenace

    GG:AC Official Tier List Thread

    question Is there a new, current tier list? If so, can i see it?
  8. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    I have a question. I practice CC. But why is it so hard to make it work!? ex. 2d, CC 5K, 5S ex. 5S, CC 5S, 5H first example is the hardest. Is it just plain easier to do CC on CH or what? Talk to me.
  9. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    Makes you wish you could dash 5h in life....
  10. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    I usually use 6P as a tech trap. Same on CH. But i guarantee u won't find any matches with ppl using it (unless you do it in a match and record it so i can see u utilize it.)
  11. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    You just finding that out? (not trying to start an argument)
  12. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    2D CC is BEST on CH
  13. PhantomMenace

    [Accent Core] Order-Sol Combo Thread

    Question: which combos do you suggest to finish a vs. Ky match quickly (and smart)?